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is a leading causative factor in youngsters' turning away from God. And certainly one
suspects that Pope Paul had LaVey in mind when he issued his worldwide proclamation two
years ago that the Devil is "alive" and "a person", a living, fire-breathing character spreading
evil over the earth. LaVey, maintaining that "evil" is "live" spelled backward and should be
indulged in and enjoyed, answers the pope and the religious scare groups this way:
"People, organizations, nations are making millions of dollars off us. What would they do
without us? Without the Church of Satan, they wouldn't have anybody to rage at and to take
the blame for all the rotten things happening in the world. If they really feel this way, they
shouldn't have blown us out of proportion. What you really have to believe instead is that they
are the charlatans, and they're really glad to have us around so they can exploit us. We're an
extremely valuable commodity. We've helped business, lifted up the economy, and some of
the millions of dollars we have generated have in turn flowed into the Christian church. We
have proved many times over the Ninth Satanic Statement that says the church - and countless
individuals - cannot exist without the Devil."
For that the Christian church must pay a price. The events that LaVey predicted in the first
edition of The Satanic Bible have come to pass. Repressed people have burst their bonds. Sex
has exploded, the collective libido has been released, in movies and literature, on the streets,
and in the home. People are dancing topless and bottomless. Nuns have throwm off their
traditional habits, exposed their legs, and danced the "Missa Solemnis Rock" that LaVey
thought he was conjuring up as a prank. There is a ceaseless universal quest for entertainment,
gourmet foods and wines, adventure, enjoyment of the here and now. Humanity is no longer
willing to wait for any afterlife that promises to reward the clean, pure - translate: ascetic,
drab - spirit. There is a mood of neopaganism and hedonism, and from it there have emerged a
wide variety of brilliant individuals - doctors, lawyers, engineers, teachers, writers,
stockbrokers, real estate developers, actors and actresses, mass communications media people
(to cite a few categories of Satanists) - who are interested in formalizing and perpetuating this
all-pervading religion and way of life.
It is not an easy religion to adopt in a society ruled so long by Puritan ethics. There is no false
altruism or mandatory love-thy-neighbor concept in this religion. Satanism is a blatantly
selfish, brutal philosophy. It is based on the belief that human beings are inherently selfish,
violent creatures, that life is a Darwinian struggle for survival of the fittest, that only the
strong survive and the earth will be ruled by those who fight to win the ceaseless competition
that exists in all jungles - including those of urbanized society. Abhor this brutal outlook if
you will; it is based, as it has been for centuries, on real conditions that exist in the world we
inhabit rather than the mystical lands of milk and honey depicted in the Christian Bible.
In The Satanic Bible, Anton LaVey has explained the philosophy of Satanism more
profoundly than any of his ancestors in the Kingdom of Darkness, while describing in detail
the innovative rituals and trappings he has devised to create a church of realists. It has been
clear from the first edition that many people want to read this book to learn how to start
Satanic groups and ritualize black magic. The Satanic Bible and The Satanic Rituals are the
only books that have demonstrated, in a way that is authentic and true to relevant traditions,
how all of that can be done. There have been many imitators, never attributing their source,
and with good reason; because once the shabbiness and shallowness of the imitators have
been compared to LaVey's pioneering work, there can no longer be any market for the ripoff
artists The evidence is clear to any who are willing to view the record: Anton LaVey brought Satan
out of the closet and the Church of Satan is the fountainhead of contemporary Satanism. This
book summarizes the message both convey, and remains both challenge and inspiration, as
timely today as when it was written.

December 25, 1976 (XI Anno Satanas)

-Indo Sub-

adalah faktor penyebab utama anak muda berpaling dari Tuhan. Dan tentu saja orang curiga bahwa Paus Paulus memikirkan LaVey ketika dia mengeluarkan proklamasi sedunia dua tahun lalu bahwa Iblis itu "hidup" dan "seseorang", karakter yang hidup dan bernapas api yang menyebarkan kejahatan ke seluruh bumi. LaVey, menikmati bahwa "kejahatan" adalah "hidup" dengan dieja terbalik dan harus dimanjakan serta dinikmati, menjawab Paus dan kelompok-kelompok penakut agama seperti ini: "Orang-orang, organisasi, negara menghasilkan jutaan dolar dari kita. Apa yang akan mereka lakukan Tanpa kita? Tanpa Gereja Setan, mereka tidak akan memiliki siapa pun untuk dimarahi dan disalahkan atas semua hal busuk yang terjadi di dunia. Jika mereka benar-benar merasa seperti ini, mereka seharusnya tidak membuat kita marah. Proporsi Yang benar-benar harus Anda percayai adalah bahwa mereka adalah para penipu, dan mereka sangat senang memiliki kami sehingga mereka dapat mengeksploitasi kami. Kami adalah komoditas yang sangat berharga. Kami telah membantu bisnis, mengangkat ekonomi, dan beberapa dari jutaan dolar yang kami hasilkan pada gilirannya mengalir ke gereja Kristen. Kami telah membuktikan berkali-kali atas Pernyataan Setan Kesembilan yang mengatakan bahwa gereja - dan banyak individu - tidak dapat hidup tanpa Iblis. " Untuk itu gereja kristen harus membayar harga. Peristiwa yang diprediksi LaVey di edisi pertama The Satanic Bible telah terjadi. Orang-orang yang tertekan telah merusak ikatan mereka. Seks telah meledak, libido kolektif telah dilepaskan Buktinya jelas bagi siapa pun yang ingin melihat catatan tersebut: Anton LaVey membawa Setan keluar dari lemari dan Gereja Setan adalah sumber dari Setanisme kontemporer. Buku ini merangkum pesan yang disampaikan sekaligus tetap menjadi tantangan dan inspirasi, tepat saat ini seperti saat ditulis.

SAN FRANSISCO 25 Desember 1976 (XI Anno Satanas)

The Satanic BibleTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang