Rocky x zuma

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To say that Rocky was nervous was an immense understatement. In no less then eight or so hours he had found out he was in love with with his best friend , had confessed his feelings and now they where going on a date.

It was a lot as one can imagine. But none the less Rocky wanted this to go perfectly. He had made arrangements for dinner at mr porters and got himself spruced up for this. As much as he hated baths he wanted to look nice.

" haaaa okay Rocky this is just a date . A date with zuma your best friend in the entire world who you can't stop thinking about. Oh god " the mix breed said to himself as he paced back and forth. Just then he heard an all too familiar voice say " you ready dude " . Rocky turned to see zuma freshly groomed and with an orange bow tie to match rockys green one . Rocky was still a lost for words still finding hard to believe this was happening " uh yeah yeah let's go " he said nervously as the two headed out.
At mr porters
The two canines had arrived at at mr porters right on time " hey Rocky , zuma " the man said when he saw the two dogs. When Rocky made the reservation and told him about him and zuma he was perfectly fine with it. One of the good things about adventure bay all races , nationalities, religions and sexualities are welcome.
" hi mr Porter is our table ready ? " Rocky asked " right this way " the man said as he lead the two dogs to where they would be eating. Once the two where seated mr Porter asked for their orders " so can I get you something to drink ?" " water please " Rocky said and zuma ordered the same. After mr Porter went to get their drinks . After he came back with their drinks he took their food order . meatballs.

While they waited for their food they got talking " so you love me huh ? " hearing zuma say this almost made Rocky choke on his water. " uh yeah " Rocky said nervously " I don't know when it happened I just know that I started noticing how well you swam or sang and just fell I guess " the mix breed said only to be surprised by what zuma said next. " well I love you too. I know I fell for my genius best friend . But you know what they say about opposites ? " the lab said with a smile making Rocky smile too " yeah your right ". Just then their food arrived their food arrived " bet I can eat faster then you " zuma said with a cocky grin " ha your on " Rocky said as they both ravenously ate their meal.
After dinner
The two dogs had finished their meal and where making their way home . The electricity between them was undeniable. Rocky looked over at the lab next to him " I had a really good time zuma" the lab smiled as he looked at the mixed breed "yeah I did too". As they neared the lookout a smirk appeared across the labs face "hey Rocky would you mind coming up to my room ?" The lab smirked
( side note they Ryder gave them rooms when they got older ).

Having agreed Rocky followed zuma to his room "so why we in here ?" The mixed breed said nervously "we're here for some dessert hope you like chocolate " the Labrador said with a sensual tone in his voice.

Before Rocky could react his and zumas lips collided their tongues fighting each other's for dominance. Both canines moaned as they rubbed their paws over each other's bodies finding their way to each other's crotch. Rocky took hold of zumas balls in his paw hefting them he had to admit the lab had a good pair on him. Zuma on the other paw had started rubbing rockys grey balls fondling the remarkably heavy testicles ' god his are bigger then mine. I guess inventing doesn't give much room to jack off'. Both dogs continued to moan and fondle each other as they're red rockets came out and grew to full length.

They pulled away for air a small string of spit connecting them. They took a moment to see what each other had on them . Rocky was 7 inches to zumas 6 the lab was impressed to say the least "oh man you got me beat by one inch" zuma laughed "well you know the rules smaller one gets it in the butt" Rocky said with a cocky grin.

They resumed kissing and before either one knew it they where in a sixty nine position . Each other's cock just inches from their muzzles "well i just ate but I can go for some sausage" zuma said before taking rockys dick into his mouth. As he started sucking Rocky took to doing the same taking the Labradors meat into his maw and began sucking . Wrapping his tongue around their members they sucked with passion feeling each other moan as they did so.

' oh god this is so fucking good' Rocky thought as he enjoyed the salty taste of zumas pre as it dripped down his throat. Zuma was was enjoying rockys taste too as the mix's pre was leaking into his mouth 'my god his pre is coming out in a fucking river. He needs to get his rocks off' zuma thought as he placed his paw on rockys sack. Fondling his nuts to stimulate the contents with in.

Round about 5 minutes later both males where on the edge. Their knots where fully out of their sheaths and their cocks where throbbing. Their release fast at hand as they bucked their hips into each other's mouths. ' oh .. oh god .... OH GOOOOD!' Both thought as they released their seman. Rocky swallowing down the water dogs cum as zuma tried desperately to drink every drop of rockys but their was so much. Once they came down from their orgasmic high the removed themselves from their maws , little bits of reproductive material still on their dicks . "w wow that was a lot dude" zuma said breathlessly Rocky grinning said "yeah sorry about that" zuma simply respond while getting up onto his hind legs and raising his tail "no problem at all. I just hope your not tired yet"

Rocky caught on to zumas draft very fast as he mounted the Labrador. After getting into the all clear Rocky inserted his member into zumas ass hole. Feeling the brown canines bowls wrap around his cock was amazing for the mix breed as he moaned as zuma tightened around him.
Zuma was moaning trying to adjust to rockys size. He had never imagined doing this with his best friend of all people . Once the two became adjusted Rocky began to hump moving his hips in and out of the lab . He could feel as the canines innards wrapped around him tightening as they fucked.

Zuma was in a whirlwind of bliss as he felt the mix breed pound his ass and going faster and harder by the minute. He felt one of rockys front paws wrap around his waist as he felt the other grasp his red rocket. Rocky rubbed zumas member as he humped him they moaned loudly as they continued love making 'thank god these walls are sound proof' Rocky thought.

Both canines fucked for what seems like forever with Rocky going harder and faster on both zumas ass and his cock. Both dogs moaned and howled with pleasure as their testosterone levels reached their height. Zuma could feel rockys not hitting against his hole desperately trying to get in " knot me. I need you PLEASE!!!" Zuma wailed as Rocky pushed his knot into him. He could feel the mix breed swell inside of him as he also felt his release reaching.

Rocky gave a few sharp thrusts before it happened. He released his seman into the Labradors ass as zuma released his . Torrents of cum flooded the Labrador and his spilled on the floor. When they finally came down from their incredible orgasm Rocky cocked his leg and turned rump to rump to secure the tie. " that was ... that was ... amazing" the lab said completely out of breath the mix said with a grin just as out of breath "yeah it was . So are we together now ?" Rocky asked. Zuma smiled and said "I wouldn't have it any other way dude".

And that was that once they had separated the two dogs curled up to one another. They fell deep into a peaceful sleep as a new love had begun.

The end

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