Rubble x skye

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Puberty was hard on anyone what with changes and raging hormones . That's even more so the case if your an animal. More specifically a pup. All the pups have grown and changed with when puberty had hit. Chase was now taller and the fittest amongst them , Skye was about half chase size and ever the beauty, Marshall was taller and more lean then skinny. But still clumsy. Rocky looked more like a schnauzer but with longer fur and the height of a border collie and so on and so forth. But out of them all there's was still one having problems.

That one was rubble the construction bulldog and youngest member of the team. The little guy had grown and bulked up in a good way as he got older but the real issue was down south.
Like all the males rubbles junk had grown and filled out , maybe not to the extent of chase and Marshall's but still good. But the real issue was the urge to mate every male got when it came to females, the same goes for rubble but he was nervous and had no idea what to do. But that was to change soon.

Rubble was in his pup house after a small encounter with a certain dog he very much liked. This caused the urge to surface and the blood to rush to his dick. His heart was still beating quite fast as he placed his paw upon his sheath and he began rubbing it. His member slipped out of its sheath as it grew to full erect. Rubble began rubbing and beating his rocket when his pup house door opened "hey rubble what's...."

The bulldog recognised the voice as Skye and looked to see her standing there shocked. He had forgotten to lock the door and she had seen him beating his dick. He tried to hide it but the damage was done "rubble where you just jerking off" Skye asked still a little surprised as she looked at the bulldog "uh" rubble said clearly embarrassed "then mind explaining why your dick is out" the cockapoo said pointing at the bulldogs crotch. Defeated rubble told he the truth pulling his paws away from his cock "yeah I was. I saw you earlier on and thought about how I like you and bam I'm hard as a rock" rubble said surprising Skye.

"Wait you like me ?" Skye said clearly surprised by the bulldogs confession as he gave a nod in response. Skye gave a little smile and batted her eyelashes "aww that's sweet rubble" she said as she liked his cheek making rubble blush. Skye looked in his eyes lustfully as she said "well since I'm the cause of this I'd better help with it" flirtatiously. Rubble just figured out what she meant when she went down his body admiring how he developed. That chubby little pup was gone that's for sure. Once she made it to rubbles red rocket she was impressed by his size. He may not be as big as chase and Marshall ( hey a girl needs a little fun ; ) ) but he was big enough to please a female . His balls where quite large to and when she cupped them in her paws she could feel they where quite heavy.

Skye placed her hand on rubbles dick as she began rubbing it from knot to tip fondling his balls as she did. Rubble moaned as Skye rubbed his junk and the moans grew in volume when Skye started licking his member. Skye licked the member from his sack to his tip and back while still rubbing until the knot had popped out and he was good and slick.

Once Skye was sure he was good and ready she stopped "h..hey Skye W..why did you stop. That felt so good" rubble whined . Skye licked his nose before turning to him "I needed you ready rubble. Now it's your turn" Skye giggled . After a couple of minutes rubble got the picture and began lapping at skyes pussy eagerly enjoying her taste. Skye moaned as she felt rubbles tongue enter her entrance. With how eagerly he licked her Skye could tell she'd finish early and she didn't want that she wanted rubbles first time to last.

"Ah rubble please stop" Skye wailed causing rubble to stop "Skye what's wrong ?" The bulldog said "Nothings wrong. I just want to finish to soon. Come and get it" Skye said seductively. Rubble did just as she said and mounted her lining his red rocket with her entrance. After getting the sign to go rubble pushed his cock into skyes pussy as far as he could go , her walks tightening around his rocket. Skye moaned feeling the thick member split her apart as she felt his weight on top of her.

Once they where sure it was safe to continue rubble began humping Skye. Pumping his hips as he thrusted his rocket in and out of her passage feeling her wrap around him causing him to moan. Skye moaned aswell feeling rubble hump her , feeling him began to pick up speed and power as he eagerly trusted in and out of her. "Oh my god Skye. I never knew this would feel so good" rubble moaned thrusting faster and harder "your doing great rubble ahhh keep going" Skye wailed spurring him on.

Skye and rubble could feel they where reaching their end with with rubbles knot growing at the base begging for entry . "S..Skye I'm not gonna last longer. Do you want me to tie?" Rubble asked clearly trembling with his building orgasm "yes rubble tie me. Finish inside!" Skye wailed. Rubble began thrusting and pounding harder trying to get his member into Skye. His knot was tree inches in , then six before it finally slipped in, once it did it started to expand swelling inside of Skye as rubble gave short hard thrusts. Both dogs wailed and moaned as their orgasms hit. Rubble moaned as he had his first orgasm with a girl his balls fireing their contents deep inside of Skye. Skye wailing as she had her release while feeling rubbles seman fill her.

After around fifteen minutes of cumming both canines assumed the final position to complete the tie panting and giving small moans as they did. Once they had finally separated the two snuggled together "wow. That. Was. Awesome" rubble said still a little out of breath. "Yeah it was. To think the youngest among us now a little stud" Skye said making rubble blush profusely "so Skye would you like to go on a date sometime" rubble said a little nervous. Skye gave rubble a small, shot but sweet kiss before giving her reply "I'd be happy too"

The end

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