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It's been 1 year since you and your friends graduated. Jennie had broken up with you about a month ago. She had gotten into YG entertainment so long with Rosè and Joy.
Juyeon, Jungkook and Sunwoo are still very close. Jungkook and Rosè also broke up as well. They think they need to work on themselves and it was pretty mutual.
The guys are now officially a team, Jungkook and Sunwoo make there own music and you help them produce it.

You have finally debuted and dropped your Album called "I'm so in love with you" it's full of the songs you wrote about Jennie. It has gone over the charts the past month and is now at 1,000,000,000 plays.

Jennie has also debuted with a new hit single called "Remember you" it's the song she wrote about you after the breakup. She had made a couple more songs like "falling for you" and "dandelions" and they were all about you.
She also is in a famous KPOP group called BLACKPINK with rosè and some other members jisoo and Lisa.

Juyeon's POV

I wake up my notifications going blowing up my phone. I'm still not over Jennie and I haven't gotten out of bed in a month but it feels like years. Jungkook and Sunwoo are my roommates.
They always try to get me out of the house but I don't like drinking or just not in the mood so I stay home must of my time writing music.


I check to see what it is and that's when my face went grey. I couldn't believe my eyes. Tears start to form and I dropped my phone on the floor. *BREAKING NEWS JENNIE AND KAI HAVE BEEN OFFICALLY SEEN TOGETHER AS A COUPLE*

I'm so heartbroken and I don't know what to do. I've never stopped loving Jennie and there's been times to where I've wanted to text Jennie. But I never had the heart to after what happened. It's kinda as if I never existed to her anymore..

I pick up my phone and go to Jennie and I's old messages. The last time we talked is when I congratulated her on her new single "remember me". I knew the song was about me and I'm sure she knew that I knew too.


I get a message from Jennie "Hey Juyeon I'm coming over we need to talk"
I walk over to my phone and see the message I was little surprised because Jennie and I were fine.
I hope nothings wrong I whispered to myself. "Okay drive say I love you 💞" I replied back and go left on red.

One hour later

I go to the front of my door and I see Jennie. I greeted her with a hug and a kiss on her forehead. "How was your day?" I asked to her when she walked inside. "Pretty good thank you for asking" she said.
"So what do you want to talk about?" I asked Jennie with a face full of confusion.
"Is Jungkook home?" She asked me
"Yeah he's in his room why?" I said
"Let's go upstairs to your room please" she said
I look confused, I proceeded to go to my room as she follows me.
She gets inside and I slowly shut the door.
Jennie looked super scared and sad.
"JenJen what's wrong?" I said holding her hand having her sit down onto the bed.

She takes a deep breathe. "Juyeon-" she said as tears form into her eyes. "What is it?" I said to her rubbing her hand.
She moves her hand away and says "I think we should break up"
After hearing those words and Jumped up out of the bed "wait what- your joking right" I said with shock
"No Juyeon we can't be together anymore. Since I'm with YG there's a dating ban and I can't be with you anymore and I don't know about us anymore. I love you Juyeon I really do but there's...." she said
After hearing those words I couldn't control myself but hear have tears fall down my eyes. It was like my eyes were fountain and there's was no off button.
"Your- you're lying, if-if this is a joke can you stop it's not funny" I said to her

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