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4 months later
It's been awhile since the first stop. Everyone had gotten closer and became best friends. They are accordingly in Australia which is rosé hometown.

Jennie and Juyeon had gotten closer but there's times where Kai calls her so she ditches me for him. But Juyeon can't get mad since he's not with her anymore. Which sucks cause he's still in love with her.

Jennie is very clueless to know that Juyeon still loves her. They never really talked about it. Jennie just friend zones Juyeon. She's with Kai now. But Kai can be a little sensitive and aggressive. Not gonna lie there relationship is somewhat toxic.

Rosè and Sunwoo had actually gotten closer, Rosè kinda has a crush on Sunwoo. But Sunwoo 's ego kinda makes him not think. He just is focusing on himself.

Jungkook and Lisa started dating. After Jungkook started trying to get back with Rosè he's gave up cause he knew she liked Sunwoo. He supports Sunwoo and Rosè. Jungkook at Lisa have been together for about 3 months now.

They arrived to the venue and as The boys and the girls walked out of there van there was plenty of cheers. They all smiled while passing by there fans.

In the venue Jennie was sitting by herself starring at her phone. Her head was slightly down and it seemed as if she had been crying.

"Hey are you okay?" Juyeon said walking up to Jennie.

"Yeah I'm fine it's just-" But before Jennie could finish she was cut off

"Kai?" Juyeon said

"How did you know?" She replied

"A good guess? Anyways what is he doing? Do I need to fly back to Korea and beat him up? Cause I will. Just for you." Juyeon said smiling

Jennie laughed "no no it's fine. But Kai he's been so like crazy lately. He's kinda controlling and he yells at me for little things. Which kinda sucks cause I hate fighting."

"Hand me your phone.." Juyeon said

"Why?" Jennie said with curiosity

"Just do it please.." Juyeon said with puppy dog eyes

Jennie pulled her phone out of her pocket and gave it to Juyeon.

"Great!" Juyeon said slipping the phone into his pocket. "Okay now you won't get back till we leave Australia! Come on we're in Australia! Let's have some fun with no negative energy with your toxic boyfriend."
Juyeon told her

She opened her eye wide "hmm fine. Where are we going?"

Juyeon grabbed Jennie hand and started walking.. "hmm let's go explore.. cmon!"
He said running through the back door still holding her hand

"We have to get back before the concert starts tho!" Jennie yelled

"Yeah yeah I know"

Meanwhile Rosè and Sunwoo went shopping since they both love shopping. They went to Rosè's favorite mall called Melbourne central.

"How about this?" Rosè said showing Sunwoo a beige cardigan.

"Ooo yes that would look great on you" Sunwoo said making Rosè blush

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