Arc 1: Campus Pentagonal Love (12)

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"Alpha, did you see that?"

"See what?"

"Aaron, I think he's black bellied, obsessive and yandere seme towards me"

Alpha didn't respond him for a while to look for what did "black bellied, obsessive and yandere" mean. Less than 30 seconds, Alpha responded him.

"From what I've searched from the original story, there was no any trait for making him like that. It's just stated that he was cold, domineering and a little bit of warm towards the female lead. In fact, if he's really black bellied, obsessive and yandere now, it's mean that he's dangerous. Host, you need to be very careful" worried Alpha


"Yes, it's stated in this journal, with that trait of attitude the person who claimed to be black bellied, obsessive and yandere, they tend to do something inappropriate to their partner like over jealousy will end with kidnapping, trapping, chaining because they thought that they can't live without the one they love, so it's better if they always be together. In fact some cases ended with killing their partner and then killing themselves, because they don't want to be separated even in death" said Alpha still in worried tone to Dylan

"Alpha, are you sure you are not reading gore, thriller journal?"


"Alpha, you don't know the art of black bellied, obsessive and yandere seme" sighed Dylan

"What do you mean?"

"Ck, ck, ck single dog* won't understand"

Alpha heard that underestimate tone, and he felt annoy of Dylan.

"I'm trying to warn you" said Alpha coldly

"Aih, don't be angry Alpha, I know you mean good, I just want to tell you to relax, because this will be so much fun, hehehe" laughed Dylan

Alpha dumb struck looking at Dylan, he looked relax and in fact enjoying this rather than felt worry or afraid of him.

I forgot that this host is a pervert thought Dylan

"Whatever, don't come to me crying in the future" said Alpha warning him

"Really thanks Alpha, I feel loved" answered Dylan with his sincere heart

"Glad to know that you are understand"

"I'll show you how I fix him Alpha, hehehe" laughed Dylan

Here come the perverted host sighed Alpha

Dylan spent about 5 minute talking with Alpha in the bathroom and then came back to sit and enjoy the diner with Aaron.

"What took you so long babe?" ask Aaron worriedly

"Ay, it's 5 minutes only Aaron"

"But it felt forever to me" said Aaron with his sad face

For a moment Dylan felt that the usual domineering Aaron looked like a abandoned retriever.

"haha, fine fine, I'm sorry" giggled Dylan

They were enjoying the food while chatting, Dylan laughed and Aaron always looked at Dylan with his soft and pampering eyes, willing to give the best things for him and also happiness for him. There's one thing he had not said to Dylan that he would meet with his brother after the diner, to discuss Dylan's safety and the yacht case that weirdly quite hard to track.

After driving him back, Aaron also didn't forget to kiss Dylan hard and drove to meet Alex.

In a high end bar, full with night life, Aaron walked to a VIP room and met with Alex who had already enjoyed himself with liquor.

"Brother Alex" called Aaron

Hearing that 'brother' thing from Aaron's mouth, Alex dropped the glass and looked at Aaron, dumbfounded. Alex and Aaron, they could be call as close business friend because of the heir matter and there were a lot of cooperation for their companies's projects. Hanging out like this wouldn't be very strange for them. Therefore, hearing that cold and domineering Aaron called Alex 'brother', only resulted on this kind of atmosphere.

"The fuck with that 'brother' thing Aaron" said Alex still with his dumbfounded expression.

"I'm dating your younger brother, of course I need to call you brother too" said Aaron while grabbing the glass filled with liquor with his pleasure tone

Alex spurted his drink and totally lost his usual calm and aloof face hearing his remark.

"Yo-u, you, this beast, how could you seduce my cute younger brother!" yelled Alex while trying to grab Aaron's collar.

"Relax brother" said Aaron while took his hand off his collar calmly.

"Well, I kinda predicted this before" sighed Alex weakly

"I promise you and also Father and Mother that I'd be the best son-in-law for your family" said Aaron proudly

"You have to or I will kill you, chop your dick and feed it to the shark" said Alex menacingly

"Brother you are a calm and aloof person, please be aware of your words"

Alex looked at Aaron's eyes deeply and after making sure that this beast wouldn't play with his cute younger brother's heart, he talked straight to the another important point now.

"Then, I know that you have good information network, have you found the clues?"

"That's the thing I want to discuss with you, I've found some traces but it disappeared in instant, fortunately I've caught important clue from it. It's Moore family"

"Moore family? Are you sure? I mean, they've acted well these years. To tell you the truth, I also found the clue but it came from Sanchez family" doubted Alex

Aaron took his time thinking and after realising something he couldn't help of smirking .

"That smirk, you know the culprit right?Tell me this instant"

"Relax brother, I'll prepare a nice and wonderful entertainment for us, with the right actors on the right stage" sneered Aaron evilly.

"I'll look forward for that performance then, brother-in-law" said Alex while smiled evilly just like Aaron.

"By the way, could you remove Raphael, he kind of sore to the eyes, I'll protect Dylan better"

"Unfortunately no, Father and I already agreed to this, beside you have your own work to do"

"Fine then, I'll agree until we catch the culprit" said Aaron reluctantly.

"Good, we need to focus in catching them first"

"Yes, after that we'll announce our marriage"

"Yes, your- what? What marriage? This beast, meet with our parents first you punk" said Alex while kicking Aaron

"I will brother, don't worry"

Finishing their discussion, they finally came back home with many ideas to tortu- ehem to punish the culprit who harmed Dylan.


Guys, guys it's more than 1K views, andd morethan 100 votes too awwwwwwwww, I'm truly happy and grateful for it. Thankyouuuu much much( ̄ε ̄@). Don't forget to always stay healthy and happy and let Dylan brightenyour day, have a nice day \(٥⁀▽⁀ )/ 

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