Chapter 1

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Hannah looked around the small front office frantically. She was hoping to have

completed her mission quickly and be out of there before her nerves failed her. Alas! That

was not to be.

There was no one at the reception desk even though it was strewn with papers. Maybe the

person who sat behind that desk had just popped out and would be back soon? she thought

hopefully. How long would that take though? she wondered despondent. Looking around

nervously, she spotted another office just down the passage. Someone was in there.

Making her way gingerly towards the office, she breathed deeply. I can do this, she kept

thinking as each step brought her closer to the office.

The large man in the office, behind the desk, was facing away from the door, looking in

the filing cabinet, so he was not aware of her presence. Even with his back turned to her, she

felt intimidated. Suddenly, the warmness of the air conditioning was stifling, whereas

initially, she had not even felt it.

Timidly, she knocked on the door but he didn't turn around. Stepping into the big office

that housed an heavy oak desk placed quite a way inwards from the door, she called out,

"Excuse me!" in her soft lilting voice.

The man turned around with a startled expression which was replaced with a suspicious

look. He towered over her even from behind the desk.

"Yes?" he quizzed with slight impatience.

Hannah swallowed but answered steadily, keeping eye contact with the man. "I'm looking

for Pastor Jonathan Chandler," she answered timidly but steadily.

"That's me," he informed, still looking at her suspiciously.

The instinct to bolt was great but Hannah knew she needed to complete her mission. At

least try to complete it. But no words came out of her mouth at the confession of his identity.

She just stared at him. He could not be more than thirty to be pastoring a congregation this

size – the building could easily accommodate three to four thousand people. And he was too

good looking, the rolled up sleeves of his formal shirt, tucked into his perfect fit jeans,

displaying strong, muscular arms.

It must have been a long stare because he said in an annoyed tone, "May I help you?"

Blinking, Hannah apologised. "I am sorry. I was expecting someone..." she trailed off.

"Someone else?" he finished.

"Yes," she confessed. His eyes narrowed. "Aren't pastors supposed to be much older,

married with lots of children?" she rushed on voicing her thoughts then blushed. Her mother

had warned her, previously, to be careful about voicing her thoughts.

His annoyance was more pronounced as he recited, "Joseph became ruler over Egypt at

thirty, David became king of Israel at thirty, Jesus began His ministry at thirty. I had a wife

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