Chapter 6: Forgiveness

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Harry and Hermione were finally together. After years of liking each other and months of very obvious flirting, they were finally together, and they couldn't be happier. The pair had spent the last few days with huge grins plastered on both of their faces. They tried to talk to Ron, but he was otherwise occupied. So they just decided to keep their relationship secret until Ron knew. Harry and Hermione didn't want him to find out through gossip since he was their best friend, after all.

They finally saw him alone in the common room during the night, around eleven. This was their chance, and they needed to seize it before Lavander came and latched herself onto him like a leech.

"Ron?" Hermione prompted, taking a seat next to Harry, "Can we talk?"

"Of course you can! You're my best friends," Ron said, perplexed as to why they would be asking his permission.

"Okay, I'll just come out and say it," Harry began, wrapping an arm around his partner, "Hermione and I are together now, and we wanted to tell you before it got around the school,"

"Finally, I've only been waiting for three years; honestly, it's no wonder neither of you is in Ravenclaw," Ron chuckled.

"You have?" Harry said, raising an eyebrow.

"Yeah, I've seen the way you look at each other; it's been going on since our third year! I thought I'd have to just lock you both into a broom cupboard until you admitted you liked each other," Ron explained. He detailed how he was jealous initially, especially when they started flirting at the beginning of the year, but he soon realised that all Harry wanted was to be happy. He wanted someone to love him for who he truly was— not just the boy who lived. Hermione made that happen. Ron couldn't be mad at that.

"Oh— was it that self-evident?" Hermione interjected, blush slowly creeping up her face.

"Yeah, Hermione, it was obvious," Ron said with a smile. The trio burst out into laughter. Harry and Hermione were elated that their best friend accepted their newfound relationship.


The weeks went by quickly, the news of Harry and Hermione had broken out around a week after they told Ron, but they didn't really mind. They were together, and that was all that mattered. The news went around for another few weeks, but eventually, it died off. No one really objected to their relationship. Most people supported it, and even Draco Malfoy had sincerely congratulated Harry. This made him very confused, but he decided to leave it for now. He would speak to Draco after the Christmas holiday.

Harry and Hermione were in the library studying when Hermione noticed a girl ogling at Harry. Her eyes widened when she realised who it was.

"Harry, that's Romilda Vane," Hermione muttered, sitting on the opposite side of Harry, obscuring Romilda's view, "The rumors are that she's trying to smuggle you a love potion!"

"Really? How could she be that stupid?" Harry said, scooting his chair closer to Hermione's, "I guarantee my feelings towards you are stronger than any love potion, even Amortentia."

"I'm glad," Hermione said in relief, "I don't want to lose you," Hermione stated, smirking at Harry.

"You won't; I'm never going to leave you," Harry said, giving Hermione a quick peck on the lips. As soon as their lips connected, Ron waltzed in.

"Woahhh, am I interrupting?" Ron said, covering his eyes with his hands. He didn't mind; it was just funny to tease them.

"No, Ron, you can uncover your eyes now," Hermione blushed, pulling away from Harry.

"Okay, other than snogging— what are you two up to?" Ron said, plopping down next to Harry, a grin present on his face.

"Well, erm, I was just telling Harry about Romilda Vane's plan to smuggle him a love potion," Hermione said, still embarrassed that Ron saw them kissing.

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