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It had been two years since Laxus was kicked of Fairy Tail. Two years of so many unanswered questions for Avis. 


It was right before the Fairy Tail parade. Makrov had made it offical that Laxus was no longer allowed to be part of the guild. When a certain burnette heard the news she felt her stomach flip and her chest constrict making it hard to breathe. Tears began to sting her eyes as she sat at the bar with Cana, who just watched in despair as her partner went through her silent pain. No one knew about Avis and Laxus. No one was allowed to know. Avis took on mostly bounty hunting work and made plenty of enemies along the way, which didn't make for a very "Merry Christmas". It was her idea to keep it secret. She never wanted anyone to go after the Lighting Dragon Slayer on account of her. Laxus didn't care and she knew it but she wouldn't be able to face the situation if it were to happen.She also didn't need to enemies she had made to use Laxus against her, it was a selfish reason but she kept her ground on it. To keep things as simple as possible her and Laxus lived in a Townhome right next to each other. There was a door in between the two of them that was always kept open. And Avis trusted to card Mage next to her with this information, even with her..,habits. It was easy since they have know eachother for as long as either of the had been in Fairy Tail. She was usually so easy going and loving and playful that everyone loved to be around her. But hearing of Laxus's sudden departure, crushed the Sky God Apleiotes wizard. Her hazel eyes started to cloud over with tears as she tried to fight off the on coming waves of grief that she was being pelted with. Without thinking Avis ran into the streets of Magnolia without a secound thought as to what she was doing. She was going to find Laxus and get a proper good-bye.

Once she did find him, she was a mile out of the city and had come across a lake with willows surrounding it. The slight breeze made the water lap at the shore where a tall blonde male was sitting, and in his now crushed pride, crying. Avis ran at him, at first she thought she'd just hit him. Really hard. In the face, to knock some sense into him, instead she ran and jumped into his arms and cried into his chest. She didn't know how long she cried, but it felt like forever.He said nothing and let his tears fall right along with hers. When she was done she was a hiccuping mess.

        "Your an idiot you know that?" Avis hiccuped trying to regain control of her breating. 

        "Yea, but your in love with this idiot, don't ya short stuff." Laxus just flashed a toothy grin at the smaller burnette. "And I appreciate the veiw I'm getting from up here as well" Laxus laughed making it obvious of the fact he was staring down her shirt. Not like it was hard to do, the V-cut of her shirt stopped right underneath her breasts and the rest of her shirt ended right above her navel. It didn't leave much to the imagination. 

        "Your a perv, Laxus Dreyer, a stupid, proud perv" Was all she could manage as the tears started to fall again.Laxus just smiled softly and ran his thumb around her eyes, catching the newly fallen tears that escaped her blood-shot orbs.

        "You want to know the worst part about this babe? I'm not even crying over the fact that I got kicked out. I'm upset because I now have to leave you." Laxus's tears started again. He couldn't help it. She was his first real love. Not just some easy lay he happened across drunk one night. He adored everything about her. The fact that she fit what thought was physically attractive was just a plus for him. He had been in love with her since he was 17, which would have made her fifteen. And now that he had her, it was all for naught. He had to leave her now. When that realization came to her, her face went from distraught to stoic in a matter of seconds. This was good-bye and they both weren't ready for it. The shorter burnette got on her toes and wrapped her arms around the male's neck and kissed him with as much passion as her newly tired body could muster. This was their last kiss. This was the kiss good bye.

Or that's what they wanted to believe.

                ~Back to the present brought to you by Happy~

Avis sat on the edge of a cliff, looking over Magnolia, deep in her own world. Since Laxus left she was rarely seen at the guild. She took on one assignment after another soon earning her own way into the S-Class part of the guild. Early she had been training with Erza and she just wanted to time to herself now. In the two years Laxus had been gone Avis physically moved on from him and was currently (and openly) dating Elfman.  The two often seen looking happy together, but when she was alone to her thoughts they drifited to what might have been with a certain hot-headed wizard. That's when she truly felt the gaping hole in her chest, that Elfman was now, without even knowing it, trying to fill. 

        "All who wonder are not lost, child" Makarov, who had easily put two and two together after Laxus left, came and stood behind his mage. She had been so lost in her own thoughts that she hadn't even noticed him.

        "But Master, can things truly be forgiven?" Makarov had told Avis that his grandson would be coming back to the guild, and he also told Mira, knowing that it would get around a lot faster that way. She wasn't ready for him to come back, but at the same time she yearned to see the man she once called her love. She knew full well that her feelings for him hadn't gone away, they just remained untouched since the last kiss. 

        "Now that depends on individuals. We have the Wizarding games coming up and with that on everyone's mind they are willing to accept back into the Fairy Tail home. What about you? What will you do, Avis? You have Elfman, who is very divoted to you and loves and respects you greatly. Then there's Laxus. Who always put you in very high ranks and would lay his life down for you."

        "He left, Master. He broke my heart with his foolish antics and his pride. There was no room for me in his heart. So I've cleared him from mine." It was a lie and they both knew it. But she was strong willed and will. And only they would know it. 

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