1.8 ✧ Eleanor & James

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- Hanna -

I had set the alarm for three in the morning, not that I was able to sleep well anyways. I was so excited to get back to school and a new school at that, like a new life. Not that I could ever forget my old one, I missed Hayden, Alyssa and my parents so much. But if I could never see them again I should just forget about them, hope they have a great life and let them forget about me. They probably already did.

I shook away the thoughts of my old life and got into the shower, then once again I straightened my hair since I didn't have a curling iron. I also didn't have any makeup to use which made me a little uneasy, I needed a little mascara or something. But I guess I have to deal with what I have...

or not.

I needed better clothes anyways and I could pay Luke back when I got a job. So I could go to the store and buy what I needed.

I jumped into yesterday's clothes and slowly tip toed over to a sleeping Luke. He looked so peaceful, the exact opposite from when he was awake.

I took the keys from the stand and prayed I wouldn't die when I drive down the road while I made my way down to the lobby.

When I got to the car I carefully stuck the key into the ignition and slowly back out, getting myself onto the road and actually having some pride as I strolled along the street. I was still going ten under the speed limit, but I was still driving...and alive.

When I saw an outfitters store I pulled in and ran inside, I wasn't all that surprised that a store like this was open at four in the morning. It was filled with people and seemed to be a local store to get clothes, it was sort of like a Walmart.

I bought a cute outfit including skinny jeans and just a pretty shirt. It came out to be forty dollars which left Luke with sixty dollars.

But being the idiot I am, I bought some makeup so we basically had fifty dollars to live on. He's going to kill me, but I'll pay him back. I just hope that Luke paid the motel for a couple of days in advanced so he didn't have to pay for the room today.

I need a job...

But I couldn't think of that right now. I went back to the motel and got dressed and was pretty happy with my appearance. It was about five when I was done and I slowly walked over to Luke and shoved him.

"Luke, wake up." I ordered and his eyes opened easily and then he rubbed them. He blinked a couple of times while looking at me.

"Oh my God!" Luke yelled after scanning my appearance. "What happened to you?" He asked and I furrowed my eyebrows.

"You're so kind." I said bluntly and crossed my arms, he sat up.

"I didn't mean it like that, I-I mean you look beautiful. No-not that you d-don't always look beautiful!" He covered up and I felt my cheeks become hot but I hid it with a smirk. "I mean where did you get those clothes?" He said finally and my smirk fell.

"Can we talk about this later? You need to get up, school is in three hours and we are leaving half an hour early." I beamed and Luke ran his hand through his hair.

"You spent my money didn't you?" Luke sighed and put his face in his hands.

"Not all of it..." I trailed off and rubbed the back of my neck nervously. "You still have a good fifty dollars left." I gave a cheeky smile and he dropped his hands from his face and his eyes widened.

"Hanna!" He yelled in disapproval and I frowned with big puppy dog eyes.

"I'm sorry," I said innocently and luke started to rub his temples.

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