Important authors note

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***This is not a chapter****

As some of you may know from a fan letter I sent out nearly two weeks ago, I went through a family tragedy recently.

I had every intention of keeping the specifics to myself, but being that people are still bothering me to upload despite my family tragedy claim, I have decided to come out and explain why it is going to take a long while for me to get back into writing.

On December 15th 2012 my older brother was hit by a truck when he was crossing the road and was confirmed brain dead after eight plus hours of surgery. I can't even begin to explain how many lives my brother touched in his short 22 years of living, he had well over a hundred friends in the waiting room praying for some kind of miracle that unfortunately never pulled through.

My family spent 56 hours in the ICU with my brother who was kept on life support in order to donate his organs to people who needed them to continue living. My brother in the end saved three people's lives with his choice to donate his organs, and helped countless more.

My brother was my BEST friend, and I'm sorry but I will not apologize for my absence in writing right now.

Thank you for hopefully understanding.


That Butt Naked Godly Being Has A Brother.Where stories live. Discover now