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The day was hot. The sun felt sizzled over her skin like wildfire and the oceans breeze was not much help to soothe it. Though a fire cannot kill a dragon, Visenya Targaryen was almost sure that the sun could. She hated Pentos and its heat. She hated the coarseness of its dry sand, and she despised the constant smells of overwhelming spices that wafted through her chambers from the marketplace. The rancid stinging in her nose from strong wine gave her headaches, and the constant shouting from merchants trying to sell their goods in the streets irritated her ears. Don't even get her started about the flies!

Visenya stood at the window, glaring at it all until the call of her name lured her inside.

Visenya's older brother – the same whom she shared a womb with – held up a gown for she and their little sister to inspect in the bath chamber a moment later. He was a gaunt young man with nervous hands and a feverish look in his pale purple eyes. Though he had a handsome face, Viserys had a thinness to him that reminded Visenya of a serpent.

"This," he began, gesturing to the dress in his arms. "Is beauty, sisters. Go on, both of you. Caress the fabric." Viserys edged closer to them so that they could both reach out to touch it.

Daenerys tested a finger through it first. Her small, soft hand almost trembling; hesitance in every move she made. Visenya understood her sister's anxiousness well, like prey understanding the consequences of a predator's successful hunt. Around Viserys, it had always felt like their lives were at stake. One wrong turn, one misstep, and he could become as ravenous and hungry as any ferocious beast. 'Awakening the dragon' he liked to call it.

When Visenya trailed her hand along the silvery material next, it was so smooth that it seemed to run through her fingers like water. She could not remember wearing anything so soft. It almost frightened her. Visenya pulled away from it whilst Daenerys' hand lingered.

"A gift from the Magister Illyrio," Viserys confirmed, smiling like someone who had won a huge prize.

Visenya frowned. Her brother was in a high mood tonight.

"The colour will bring out the violet in your eyes, Daenerys," he continued. "You shall have gold as well, and jewels of all sorts. Illyrio has promised us this. Tonight, you especially must look like a princess."

Daenerys looked up at her brother meekly. "Is it really mine?"

Viserys' lips twitched in strange amusement. "Of course. You must look your best for him." He turned to set his purple gaze on Visenya. She prevented herself from cringing in that moment. She felt like she was about to be ravaged by some spindly monster. A creature of sick depredation. "Your dress is currently being prepared, dearest sister. Once you are done with your bath, I shall see it be sent to you."

"What does he want from us?" Visenya asked him, finally. "Why does the Magister host us so graciously and give us so much?"

For half a year, the last of the Targaryen family had lived in the Magister's own home. They ate his food and were pampered by his servants. Daenerys was only a girl of thirteen, and both Visenya and her twin brother shared the same age of sixteen. But both sisters were mature enough to understand that such gifts seldom come without their price, here in the free city of Pentos. Viserys, however... neither Visenya nor Daenerys could speak for him.

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