Chapter 17

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"Got a problem, monster?" These punishments fall...bla bla bla. P.E. is my class, bla bla bla. Koro-sensei got redder and more veins popped out. This was it, we're saved!


What the- This was not what you expected. You was made to apologize and we were training hard and obediently. Damn you, Karma. Missing out on all this. "T-This isn't funny! Three hundred squats? We'll die!" Sugaya panted. "I didn't...(pant pant)...ask for this either!" You whined. In the front row, apparently fatty got angry at Kurahashi for the family thing again and tried to hit her, but Karasuma-sensei intervened. Thank tentacles! WAit-

"Choose the best student you trained, Karasuma. They can fight, me and if their knife so much as touches me, I'll take my leave quietly. But, we won't be using these." He tossed out a rubber knife. "Your target will be me, a human being, so naturally you'll use a real knife." Oh- He's really going for it, huh?
"Enough! They're neither trained nor prepared to kill a human!" Karasuma-sensei protested. He still didn't get it, it was just a spar so we could stop just before putting him in a position where he can't do anything, right?

Right, Takaoka confirmed it too. You gazed at him, he might be thinking that we students are terrified, waah, well surprise surprise. "Karasuma-sensei, I've had experience with a real knife before." You raised your hand lazily, but still terrified to the core. You were going mad with Takaoka. Why would you bring THAT up (knife experience)? Feel hurt for, protect. Help, Rely. This was what you started to feel about your classmates. Some clear words but still don't make sense.

"I could possibly go up against him..." Unclear of what you truly wanted to do, you stopped mid-sentence. It's fine if you don't want to- you could practically hear him saying that. "No (Y/n), you can't take any chances. Nagisa will go up instead, if he wants to." Karasuma-sensei proved once again that your hunches were wrong.

Nagisa picked up the knife. "I'll do it." he said picking up the knife and sending a meaningful look. Had he also gone crazy? Yare yare~ "Bring it on! Oh, and by the way (Y/n), you can go next. Hehe" That 'hehe' sent you off. You were going to kill him for real this time. But then, Nagisa walked up to Takaoka like he was going to school and then-

Whoosh- He swung the knife, making the man stumble. Using that to his advantage, Nagisa pulled him down and 'slithered' to his back and held the knife to Takaoka's throat. Impressive, but the knife was backwards. Koro-sensei snatched the knife away and ate it while I asked "Shall I go next? I wasn't planning to tell everyone this so early're lucky Takaoka sen-sei. I have killed someone before." Malicious intent laced your words as you held out a knife from the sheath bound to your ankle.

The drooling man stared at you in fear and too shocked by Nagisa. "Yes, it wasn't fair! That Nagisa didn't even mean it! I thought he was coming towards me to ask something! About the knife or else!" He soon protested, but still wary of your malicious intent. Everybody had gasped the first time and frowned the next. You told the others about this thing so they'd stay away. You were growing too fond of them; these feelings had to go away.

"I think that's enough. You stated the rules and you lost. There's no point in continuing this." Karasuma-sensei intervened. "Ah, so you want me out of here as soon as possible, is that it? You very well know I could complain to the headquarters, right? 'The children there aren't able to assassinate the octopus!' or 'Karasuma has gone lenient! He fell into the charms of the creature!' Is that it?" Karasuma-sensei stiffened at this and stared at you.

'What? It's a win-win. I didn't 'provoke' him into saying that, did I?'  You held the knife with one hand as you smirked, "You ready, Otou-san?" Koro-sensei refrained for some reason. He couldn't say anything as Nagisa was shocked. Sugino was worried, so were most of the others.





You turned behind to see Maehara. He just slapped you. The knife fell from your hands.

"W-what?" You managed to stutter out. You expected your classmates to distance themselves from you, but a slap? Unbelievable. "I just wanted to confirm if you were the (Y/n) we know."

"Hah? Didn't you hear me? I killed someone. You still want to stay near me right now?" You looked him up and down.

"Nonsense." he simply stated as Nagisa showed himself with a slap mark on his face too. "Ahah...he also wanted to confirm whether it was me or not."

Kayano then intervened. "(Y/n)-san...are you referring to what came out in the newspapers some years ago?" You stiffened. How did she know that? It was taken down before...

"If so, I get it." She boldly stated, covering her eyes with her hair. "I believe that you didn't do it."

Tears pricked your eyes as you started laughing. "You don't even know what you're talking-"

"Everyone! There was a fake news that (Y/n) is a fugitive. But, apparently it was published by a jerk who was jealous of her because of her awesomeness!" Karma came from inside the old building. What the- Karma just made up a lie. It wasn't even believable.

Nagisa hugged you, hiding his face. "Hey, that's not fair!" As a bunch of people hugged you and then even Koro-sensei which made everyone back away (they lost their breath, apparently). Karasuma-sensei took care of Takaoka as he told that Takaoka couldn't threaten him because he was higher in command. Which meant that all that was bluff.

As Takaoka flew in a rage, Nagisa said some inspirational stuff that flew by your head. "Wait, then what am I?" Bitch-sensei asked. "You're our bitch." Takebayashi said, pushing his glasses up. "Indeed." You joined in. "You're dead." Haha, that face was priceless. Welp, in short, what happened later was that Takaoka got thwacked in a worse way Nagisa had been; then Asano came in- Wait, you couldn't dare shorten this.

"There's no need to negotiate" He said, when fatty man resisted. "I was curious to see out newest teacher in action and ended up watching the whole thing." Asano looked at you, giving a meaningful look that meant 'I see you finally said it' and 'Haha, not like I was concerned' and 'Well done'. Unsure how to answer that, you just showed your palm and smiled- "We'll talk later"

"Takaoka-sensei, your lesson was a joke." He then said, as you felt his past brim up his anger. "Yes, fear is a must in education. But a teacher who can only instill fear through violence, is a teacher of the lowest order indeed. Your dismissal notice." You sadly watched, as Asano continued. "The Ministry of Defense has no hiring rights here. I call the shots at this place. And don't you forget." He walked away.

You headed far from the cheering group of students and into the forest. "Meet me after 2 hours. Usual place." The text read...hah. Usual place. You hadn't been there with him since forever, and he dare call it 'usual'. Despite this mocking, you smiled; finally things had hope of becoming normal.

"Ah ah~ (Y/n)-chan." You froze. This mischievous voice, what could he want? "You still have to fill me in the story I covered for you, don't you?" Karma smiled in a way that was hot worrying. You couldn't get out of it this time. Unless...

Heya! Author here.

Hope you like the second chapter I posted within a day today :)

Ne ne, Tell me. Are you excited to hear (Y/n)'s past?
Well let me tell you-


(Read it in the chapters, boke)

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