Chapter 9

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"Now now, where do you wanna go? I'll take you there. But first we have a little stop to make." Oh no, this was the same guy from the train who had come with his comrades. Your mind kept spinning as you somehow managed to send Koro-sensei the message. Your headache lightened. Apparently, giving you MAJOR headaches was the way of the Goddess to tell that you were in danger.

"What's up, boys? It doesn't seem like you guys are here for sightseeing." Karma said, his eyes flickering between me and the boys.

"Get lost, boys. Just leave the girls here..." Karma tackled the man to the ground "See, Nagisa. There's no issue in fighting in a place where there are no witnesses." Karma said.
"Damn, I'll kill you!" Another man with a knife came forward as Karma beat him too. "Kill me? You don't even dare to."

"Karma, no! You'll get hurt. Please run away..." You shouted as Karma's beaten up figure flashed in you mind.
"Please stop it!"
"Stop touching me!"
You turned to see Kanzaki and Kayano held by some men.
'No no no, it can't happen...I tried to delay it too....'
Behind you Karma was pushed to the floor as Sugino and Nagisa were too. A guy started picking you up as you shouted "NO!" Time froze except the group you came with. Nagisa watched with wide eyes the bodies of the men frozen I to place as they were about to hit him. "Please, please. Run away..." You said.

"What is happening?!" Sugino asked as stood up. Karma too now squeezed out from the gap where he was surrounded. "Its hard to explain but please take the girls and leave...I don't think I can hold them much longer...." You said, blood now dripping from your lip.

"Wait you mean, you are doing this?" Nagisa asked. You nodded, you head getting heavy. Sugino went to the girls and freed them from the iron grip of the filthy men. Karma started to pick you up "No, don't. I'm starting to lose consciousness and I can't run either. I'll just slow you down. If you run away, you'll have time."
"BS. We're not leaving you!" Karma shouted in your face as you winced. You saw a glint of movement from the men; you couldn't hold it anymore. "Its okay! I told Ko-"

"How did you move there, brats?" A man snarled as he attacked Karma from behind and others started beating him. The girls were captured once again including you, who was being carried by the leader. The boys couldn't do anything. YOU couldn't do anything. Everything went waste. 'Or maybe not everything...' You slipped your hand in your coat pocket and took out a piece of paper. It slipped from your hands and fell just before you got put into the car, exactly like you wanted.

After the attack,
with the boys and Okano

"Nagisa-kun, Sugino-kun" Okano called. "Are you guys all right?"
"Manami, you're safe. That's great." Nagisa said relieved.
"I'm sorry. I went and his myself."
"No, you did the right thing....which (Y/n) told us too....Those jerks are very used to bullying. Even if you report it to the police, its hard to solve this case instantly. In other words, I'd like to punish them myself." -Karma
"But how are we going to find them?" asked Sugino.

"Um, guys, what's this?" Okano asked picking up the piece of paper from where the men earlier were. On it, a number was written, 1243.

Back to you

That fricking guy was at it again. He showed Kanzaki the picture from the arcade and told her something, while you, you were just laying on the ground pretending to be unconscious. 'Any moment now...' "(Y/n)? Are you awake?" Kayano whispered. You moved your hands in response as the guys couldn't see them. Kayano shifted over to you, hiding your face from the men and asked,"What had happened there?"

"Its kind of a long story. Plus you won't even believe me." You told her.
"Well, having an octopus-like creature as a teacher is weird enough for me." She said which was actually very very true.
"I'm a time keeper...If you know what that is. That is the simplest I could get. I know its weird, and its okay too if you don't know what that is." You told her."Yes, you're right. Gomenne, I don't know what that is." Kayano said after a pause.
"Ah the photographer is here." A man said. "Get ready to get polluted."

You gave Kayano a look that meant Don't-worry-we're-safe.

"School trip handbook page 1243 states that, when your group members have been kidnapped and they leave no evidence, try to find out their local from their accents and conversations. If they are not locals and they are wearing School uniforms former turn to page 134 reference. This means the kidnappers are also here for the school trip. They are cowards should try to act tough while being away from school." A voice from the darkness spoke. I know that's not what voices from the darkness usually speak but, eh, it works.

"How did you guys find this place?" The main guy asked, sweating. Seriously, this guy was stupid. Baka. After Nagisa explained that he had a map and explanation of kidnappings, the men just shouted, "Why would there be such a Handbook in the first place?!"

"Do you think you can beat us? Stop bragging. I have other guys who are goody two-shoes just like you. They have never seen scoundrels ......SCOUNDRELS!" Main guy shouted after seeing the beaten state of his 'men'.
"There are no scoundrels here since I've done a good job cleaning the area up. Sorry I'm late." Koro-sensei revealed himself, with a veil. " I wanted to let you guys handle it yourself. So I decided to clean up the hives first."

"Then again, why are you covering your face like a stagehand?" Nagisa asked sweat-dropping.
"This is an act of violence. If they recognize my face as a violent teacher, it'll ruin my reputation." Kotor-sensei answered, sweat-dropping too.
"Thank goodness Nagisa brought the handbook and (Y/n) called me." Koro-sensei gave everybody a handbook.

"You're a teacher? What a joke! Who do you think-"
"Shut up! I'm done with your BLABBERING! BAAKA!" you interrupted him letting your anger out. The man pointed his beer bottle towards Koro-sensei as they charged towards him. 'What are they even thinking?! He just said he cleaned up the hives. Tch. So low minded kidnappers...'

You stood up as the rope slipped your hands and feet and started untying the girls while beating noises and shouts acted as your background sound. "(Y- (Y/n)?! How did you-"
"These bastards thought that I was really unconscious, so they didn't tie the ropes tightly. I just wanted time to slip it off. They don't even qualify to become thieves." You snickered helping the girls stand.
"All right, my dear students. I'll leave them to you. Teach them the basic knowledge of school trips." Koro-sensei instructed as the filthy men got to experience the 'holy' weight of the Handbook on their heads.

You all got back outside and saw the sun had already set. You sighed and leaned back on a car. "(Y/n)-San...I think its time to tell them what happened." Koro-sensei's statement snapped you out of your daze.
"W-what? I can't just tell them that I'm a.." You paused.
"Its okay, you can trust your classmates, (Y/n)."
You hesitated at first but told them what had happened and what you could do truthfully.
"See. I was right, Nagisa. She is special." Karma said in a lazy voice. You blushed at the word 'special' as nobody had even considered you like that except.......your friends. The Class E, after your new teacher had come along was paradise for you.

You slipped as you shoe came off while walking. What is it with you and falling?! Koro-sensei hurriedly tried to help you while Karma successfully slashed a tentacle away and stopped. Your shoe's buckle was broken. "Well, see (Y/n)? We can kill him like that! I just have to push you off a cliff except myself." Karma joked while you squeaked and your shoe came off again.
"Let me carry you then" Karma told you while you just took out a safety pin from your pocket and showed it to him provoking him. He just walked away with everyone else not even caring to look at you. Well, that is bad.

"Hey! Wait for me!" You shouted as you ran up to them.

Hey readers. Sorry this chapter is short but the episode ended heeereee soooo

Okay bye!


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