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After leaving the awkwardness of the bistro behind her, Ivory hopped into the car and requested to go to the best places to shop in France. First,  she went to the mall and got a few bottles of perfume and scents. She then went to a few make up stores to buy a few items that she was running low on.

She then did a little clothes shopping to get a few things for her friends and family. When she was finished, she was a little hungry so she decided to stop at yet another bistro, but it was bigger than the last and appeared to have more variety on the menu.

After ordering, she went on her phone and looked for a salon that could do her hair. Luckily, she found a place with good ratings and gave them a call, learning that they could get her in at around 4:30. That only gave her an hour so she quickly ate her food when it came and headed uptown.

She arrived at the spacious, but comfy salon and was put into a seat not too long after. Three hours later, she walked out of the salon with a smile on her face. Since her hair had grown out into a small fro, it was enough to get braided. Therefore she decided to get a sew-in, something she'd never experienced before. The stylist gave her tips on how to maintain the long hair and when she'll know to take it out. Ivory loved how versatile her hair was, so she bought a few wigs for when the sew in came out and if she wanted to switch it up.

After, she decided to go back to the house since it was getting late. Bags in hand, she struggled with getting the front door open after unlocking it, but she did. The house was quiet and she could barely see in the dimly lit hallways as she walked.

"Safari?", she called out.

She got in the elevator and headed to the top floor. As she stepped out, something from the corner of her eye caught her attention. There was a small red piece of fabric crumbled up in the corner of the elevator. She raised her eyebrows and began to grow angry, stomping out of the elevator.

"S-", she began to call out his name when she was interrupted by a moan.

To her surprise, it came from her own lips.

She dropped her bags as his hand slid up her shirt, his kisses trailing down her neck as his free hand began to rub on the inside of her thighs. He turned her towards him and moved from her neck to her mouth while his hands wrapped around her butt and waist, grabbing what they could.

Picking her up, she wrapped her legs around his waist as he did so, never breaking their kiss. They continued on to his bedroom where he slowly laid her down on his bed and took off his shirt. He then pulled down her pants and underwear along with them. He liked his lips at the site of  "her" and dove in head first. He began to slowly lick her up and down when something startled them out of their lustful trance.


The doorbell sounded, causing Safari to groan and Ivory whimper. He looked down at her and bit his lip.

" We'll finish later. I promise", he said although stopping pained him a great deal.

He put his shirt back on and jogged to the elevator.

Ivory threw her head back in frustration and grabbed her clothes, jogging to her room to take a cold shower.

Safari shuffled to the door and opened it, only to see the last people he expected.

His family.

"Surprise!", his cousins yelled.

"Happy birthday guy, what you been up to? Why didn't you tell us you were here? ", his cousin Johanna inquired as she pushed inside.

Safari stood there shocked as the rest of them came in. They went to the living room and made themselves comfortable.

In front of him was his  brother and sister, and two of his first cousins.

"What are you guys doing here? ", he choked.

" Well it's your birthday, why wouldn't we be here? ", his brother asked.

" How.... Did you even know I was here? ", he asked sitting down.

" Your cousin told us, she even mentioned a girl. What's that about? ", his aunt Lita inquired. He didn't even notice she was there. Probably because she slipped into another part of the house upon arriving.

" Yeah, Dubai told us alllll about some chocolate thing you're holding hostage up here", said Egypt, who was Dubai's sister.

He rolled his eyes at the thought of Dubai. They'd never gotten along and didn't even like to be around each other.

"I'm not holding anyone hostage OK? Dubai is dumb and doesn't know what she's talking about", he said through gritted teeth. Egypt put her hands up in defense.

"Hey,  don't shoot the messenger", she said before wandering farther into the house.

"So where is this girl? ", asked his sister Sadora.

" She's upstairs "

They all began to get up.

" Sleeping", he said quickly.

They all sat back down with disappointed looks on their faces.

"Well,  I'm pooped,  so where am I staying?",  Egypt asked.

"Yeah, I'm tired as hell ", said his brother Tafari.

" The guest rooms on the third floor. There are enough to where you all can get your own room. ", he said before turning down the hallway.

" Sawwweeett", Egypt said excitedly as they followed him to the elevator. Once they'd gotten settled into their rooms, Safari slid into Ivory's room, only to see her sound asleep. He moved all of her belongings into his room before scooping her up himself.

He laid her in his bed and turned off the light before sliding in behind her.

Ivory in the pic

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