Chapter 19

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Alex walked me up to my front door. "This is where I take off."

"Yea. I guess I'll be seeing you, then." I smiled turning the door knob. He lifted my chin and planted a kiss on my lips. When he pulled away, he was gone. I bit my lip, and walked inside. "I'm home!" Calling out, I walked straight to the kitchen, finding Caden leaning up against the counter with his arms crossed.

"Hey. Are you feeling better?" He seemed to be suspiciously calm. I would've preferred him yelling by now.

"Better. Sorry I didn't check in or anything." I let out an uncomfortable laugh.

He scoffed at me. "Alex told me the whole story." Caden stood straight. "You know, I was thinking earlier. This is the most you've ever been out of the house besides school. You've changed."

"I suppose I have." I didn't actually think about it. It just suddenly became natural to me. "But wait, you aren't mad?"

Caden snorted. "No. Why would I be mad? To be honest I'm glad to see you finally opening up to someone besides me, even though you haven't much lately." He came up and wrapped his arms around me. "Look, as your big brother it's my job to look after you when I can, and I know I haven't done of much of that." Pulling away again, he looked down into my eyes, and mine met with his hazel green eyes. "I want to be here for you, but it's ok if you don't always come to me. As long as you have someone to open up to rather than keep it all to yourself. I'm happy."

His words surprised me. I had no idea that's how he felt. Of course I wouldn't...I never opened up to him the way he wanted me to. "Caden, I'm sorry. I never thought-"

Caden began to laugh. "Serine, don't be sorry. I'm just letting you know how I feel, that's all. It's nothing to be sorry for."

"Alright." Nodding, I smiled. "I know I don't say this much...not enough actually, but, I love you Caden."

His eyes widened a little. They narrowed again as he smiled. "I love you too, Serine." I threw my arms tightly around him. I've never felt closer to Caden than I did at this moment. Looking back, I wish I could go back and get closer to him. Still, even after all the times I've pushed him away, he still tries. Right now, that's more than I could ever ask of him.


It was the day before the big dance being held at the the school, and there was more of an uproar about it than before. Everyone talking about what they were going to wear, who they were going with, etc. Sitting in the grass at the front of the school, I felt as the wind rubbed against my body. The cool breeze sang a song in between the strands of my hair relaxing me. The sky was filled with dark clouds...smelling like rain.

Two arms wrapped around my neck breaking my train of thought. "Here you are." Alex set his head on my shoulder.

Tilting my head to the side a little, I smiled. "I'm always here during lunch." He completely pulled away taking a seat next to me. "No one ever comes outside because it's either too hot or too cold, so I just come out here to be alone."

"Maybe I should leave then." He joked.

"That's not what I meant." I fell to my back. "I was just referring this place as my place to get away, I guess."

He laughed laying his head next to mine. "A place to get away, huh?" The wind howled even louder making the air a bit colder. "So, in my search for you, I was literally asked by ten different girls to that dance. Just thought you should know."

"You should go with one of them, then." I suggested. Of course I didn't mean it. I actually don't even know why I said that.

Alex snapped at me. "As if! If I were to go, it would be with you, and you alone." Turning red, my face started to burn. "So how about it? Wanna go?"

Sitting up, I folded my arms around my stomach. "I'm not much of the dancing type. That's not really my sort of thing."

"Please," he sat up after me looking me in the eye. "You're talking to a demon. Do you really think we're that easy going?"

"Then why do you want me to go so bad?" I laughed. He wasn't making any sense to me at all. Alex would've been the last person I expected to ever even consider going to something so overrated.

Alex smirked as he stood. "Just an excuse to see you all dressed up." The school bell rang as he started walking away. "I'll be seeing you then...princess."

"Wait!" Jumping up, I ran after him. "Don't just spring that on me and walk away!"

"Too late for that." He gave a small wave. "Be seeing you after class."


School had finally reached its end, and Alex was nowhere in sight. Walking down the hallways, I passed dozens of posters plastered on the walls. Every single one was about tomorrow's dance. Should I go with Alex? I mean I wouldn't mind going since its with him, but, still. I just can't see anything so great about it.

"Hey, Serine!" Turning around, I saw Caden running towards me in a hurry. He had a giant grin on his face. I wonder what's got him so hyped up?

"What's up?" I stopped allowing him to catch up.

"A little birdie told me you were coming to the dance. I was pretty surprised considering that's not your forte. Anyways, I'll catch ya later, got some after school work to do." Caden ran past me leaving me standing there motionless. Dammit, Alex. Why'd you have to open your mouth? Now I've got no choice but to go. Well, I guess there's no point in complaining. Might as well go pick something out. In a way though, I guess it won't be all that bad, right?


Walking down the streets, I looked through about eight different stores until I finally found something to wear for the dance. It was such a pain going through all that for one lousy pair of shoes and a dress. I decided to finally start walking home. I hadn't seen Alex since lunch, and he hasn't shown up either. Makes me wonder what he's doing?

A whistle sounded from behind me. "Look what we have here." Deep, and ragged, a man's voice called out. Ignoring it, I kept walking forward. "A nice pretty blonde, so delicate." Jerking me back, my arm was grabbed causing me to wince.

"Let go of me!" I screamed dropping my bag to the ground. Using my other hand, I tried pulling the man's arm off. He grabbed my other arm with an even tighter grip.

"Don't be so cold. Let's have a little fun." The man pulled me in close to his body. His breath wreaked of garlic and onions, and his entire body was covered in dirt. The man released my arms for a split second only to wrap them around my body. He had quicker reflexes than I did.

I punched at the guy's arms as he began dragging me into some white car. I started screaming, but there was no one around. I stomped on his foot and his gripped loosened a bit. I was suddenly pulled away and my body slammed into the ground. Pushing myself up, I turned my head, and my eyes widened.

"Don't you ever lay a finger in her again!" Alex grabbed the man by the collar and punched him in the face. Falling to the ground, he quickly got up and jumped into his car. He came for me. "You alright?" He held out his hand offering to help me up. Nodding, I took his hand and he pulled me up. "What are you doing out here walking by yourself?"

Looking away, I began scratching the back of my neck. "I couldn't find you before, and Caden had other plans, so I left." Reverting my back at him, I finished. "I was...looking for a dress to wear..." That's right! I dropped my bag earlier. Scanning the ground, I saw the bag lying by the road and picked it up.

"You went through all this for a dress?" Alex sneered. "What if I hadn't shown up when I did?"

I opened my mouth to protest, but what was there to say, really? I guess I could've waited, this part of town isn't exactly the most friendly.

"Come on, let's just get out of here." Grabbing my hand, he pulled me forward. In that moment I was grabbed, my mind began calling out for Alex to come and save me. At first, I thought it was hopeless, that he wouldn't come, but I was wrong. He did come for me. But what if a day like this comes again and he isn't there for me, unable to save me...what then?

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