4 - The Diner

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Beca went home and showered before driving out and waiting outside for Chloe. The bubbly redhead was walking out with Sophie, one of the cheerleaders. Sophie was blonde, tall but still shorter than Stacie and wasn't just one of Aubrey's bitches like the rest of the cheerleaders.

"So, what are your plans for tonight?"

"Beca and I are going to the diner to work on our homework."

"Is it like a date or...?"

"I think it's just homework. We are partners in Biology."

"With Beca, it is never just homework. If she pays, she wants to get to know you beyond just fucking you. If you pay, she is just wanting to fuck you. Believe me, I've been out for food with Beca a lot. Don't get your hopes up."

"It isn't like that, she-"

"I'll see you around Chloe." Sophie cut off Chloe before she could speak and went home. Chloe looked around the parking lot, spotting Beca leaning against the hood of her car.

"Yo, Beale, over here." Beca shouted as Chloe made her way over.

"I already saw you there is no need to shout."

"I know, just wanted to embarrass you. Now there are two diners in town, you can choose which one we go to. One of them serves really great shakes, not that great burgers and isn't as busy. The other is very busy, gets filled with middle schoolers but serves the best burgers."

"I'm not that hungry so a milkshake sounds pretty good right now."

"Let's go. After you." Beca says, opening her car door for Chloe, smirking.

Chloe got in the car and they drove to the small diner at the edge of town.


They were both sat in a booth opposite each other, looking through menus and deciding what kind of milkshake they wanted before the waitress came over and asked what they wanted to order.

"I'll have the chocolate milkshake, extra whipped cream and extra chocolate ice cream, please. Chloe?"

"I'll have a strawberry milkshake with cream and sprinkles please. Thank you."

"Ooh, can I have some fries with that as well. Thanks." Chloe giggled and tried to hide her laughter as Beca death stared her. The waitress left and Chloe got straight on with homework while Beca scrolled through social media.

"You can do about the different type of blood vessels. It isn't difficult. Just draw each of them, label the drawing and then write about how they are adapted. I'll do about the transportation and diffusion and stuff like that. Beca? Are you listening?"

"Yes I am listening. I'm drawing and labelling. I'm googling what they look like. Do you have paper?"

Chloe reached in her bag and pulled out paper, pens, pencils, colouring pencils and highlighters. Beca reached in her own bag and got out some of her essentials. An iPod and earphones. She have one to Chloe and put the other in her ear. They both started working, Beca actually doing the work. They took a break when the waitress brought over their drinks and Beca's fries.

"I want to know more about you."

"Ask away Beale."

"Any siblings?"

"No, but Emily is like a younger sister."

"Who are your best friends?"

"Stacey and Jesse. Plus Amy and Emily."

"Who do you live with?"

"My mom and Emily." Chloe's face showed her confusion and Beca guessed what she was gonna ask. "Before you ask, my dad left when I was eight and I haven't spoken to him since. And I don't like to talk about it. Maybe we should work again now."

Beca put her milkshake to the side and put her music back on. Chloe didn't want to make a bad start so she just continued writing too.


A few hours later and they had finished the homework and they had ordered food. Chloe got chicken nuggets and Beca ordered a burger.

"So, when do you become a cheerleader?"

"Aubrey puts the list up tomorrow. I'm kinda nervous."

"I'm sure you'll get in. Aubrey likes you and if she doesn't put you on the squad she is an even bigger bitch. Plus you would look great in the uniform. Sorry, I mean, erm, you would be a great cheerleader. Yeah that is what I meant." Beca put her head down, eating her burger, missing Chloe's blush. Chloe was secretly hoping that Beca was flirting but she didn't say that, she just carried on eating her food.

"Where were you at math today?" Chloe asked. Usually when people are in the sane English class, they are in the same math class so it left Chloe a little confused when Beca didn't show.

Beca didn't know how to answer. She didn't want to tell Chloe about the extra help she was getting but at the same time she wanted to tell her everything.

"I just skipped that period. You probably won't ever see me in math." Beca knew that the chances of her passing in the exams were low, so it was likely that Chloe would never see Beca in math. However, just not for the reason she told Beca.

"Oh okay. I heard about what you did in music. I kind of wish I was there to see it."

"It was nothing. I was just proving a point. I hate it when teachers automatically assume that I can't do something so I had to prove my point."

"It sounded like it would have been good to see."

They spent another thirty minutes eating their food before they got up to leave. Chloe went to get her money.

"Don't worry Beale I got it."

"Thank you."

Chloe thought back to what Sophie had said earlier. Maybe Beca is actually interested in getting to know me, Chloe thought. Beca paid and the two girls went back to Beca's car. Chloe gave Beca her address and Beca already knew where it was. It was a small town so it was pretty easy for Beca to know where it was. The girls drove to Chloe's place, talking about school and all the teachers Beca hated. 

"There we are Beale. I got you home safe."

"Thank you. And thank you for paying too. Maybe I'll make up for you paying some other time." 

"I'll hold you to that."

Chloe got out the car and waved goodbye to Beca before opening the door and going inside. Beca drove herself home, quite happy with how their homework dinner went. Maybe she wanted to spend more time with the redhead.

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