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( chapter eight )

   INGRID KNEW THAT the Piper had a plan, but she didn't realize how soon that plan would start.

   Ever since her makeover, the Aphrodite cabin decided that wasn't enough. They had always seemed to meddle their way into people's love lives, and Ingrid had become their latest victim.

   After one of their training sessions, Piper initiated the plan.

   "Good session today. You're improving a lot." Ingrid said, wiping the sweat off of her forehead.

   Piper beamed. "Good to hear. So anyways, you doing anything for the rest of the day?"

"Not that I'm aware of." Ingrid said.

"Good, well now you do! You're gonna go to the craft center to paint with Rachel." Piper said, and Ingrid dropped her machete.

"You have one minute to explain and then I'm locking myself in my cabin." She said, and Piper laughed.

"Very funny. Long story short, we've been stalking Rachel. We've all figured out her daily schedule, and today, she's going to the craft center to paint from 12-1. Sometimes longer. With you there, I'm sure she'll never want to leave." She said.

Ingrid took a deep breath. She knew this was going to happen at some point, but she didn't realize it would be so soon! She wasn't ready. Ingrid knew she would mess it up somehow, some way.

"I can't. I'll freak, and she'll think I'm crazy. I can't do it." She said, running a hand through her hair as she leaned against a wall.

"Hey, look at me," Piper said, and Ingrid looked, meeting her eyes. "You've got this. You're seriously one of the bravest people I know. And this is just a girl. No monsters, no nothing. Just you, her, and some paint."

Ingrid sighed. If she didn't do this she'd be upset at herself for the rest of the day. She'd be disappointed she missed her chance. She'd feel like she gave up. Ingrid doesn't give up.

"Okay. Okay, I'll go. One problem though." She said, and Piper cocked her head to the side.


"I can't paint."

   INGRID STOOD OUTSIDE the craft center, staring at the door. She was so incredibly nervous, especially knowing Rachel was in there at that moment. She started to reach for the doorknob, but paused. Did she really want to do this? She's happy. She doesn't need Rachel. But how much happier would she be with her?

   Pushing all thoughts aside, Ingrid turned the knob, and stepped inside. Rachel paused what she was doing, and turned around. Ingrid held her breath, waiting for her to say something.

   Rachel's eyes narrowed, before brightening suddenly. "Hey! Ingrid, right?"

   Ingrid let out a breath, and a small smile. She nodded, walking over to the empty easel next to Rachel, where she grabbed a canvas and set it on top of it. "Sorry, if I'm, uh, interrupting you."

   Rachel shook her head, returning to her painting, adding a few strokes. "Not at all. I was wondering when someone would finally come in to paint, it's usually just me in here."

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