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Harley's POV

Oh my god! I just watched Spiderman end his live because he was fighting the avengers! Shit! What if they hurt him? I ran to the living room to see if this was on any news channels. It turns out nothing was on TV yet, "Hey FRI are you able to show me any of what Tony is doing right now?" 

"Sorry Mr Keener I am unable to give you such access."

"For fuc-" 

Peter's POV

"Shit this is going to be all over the new! 'Avengers attack New York's true hero' or some bull shit" Mr Stark huffed.

"Well I wouldn't call myself 'New York's true hero'," I hold out my hand as if to examine my nails. 
I could hear Clint laugh but still managed to stop myself from laughing.

"Well I must say, its an honour to meet you all. But I do have to go now and being 'New York's true hero'" I laugh before jumping off the roof. My sense's warn me that Mr Rogers shield was coming at me. Just as it cuts throw my web I shot another one. But red wing cuts that one and I land roughly on another roof top. I grown before sitting up, yet again faced with the avengers. Except this time I can't see  мама паук. "Um where's Ms Romanoff?" I stand up and look around. 

The team looks around and shake their head. My sense's don't tell me she's hiding so she's really not there. "Hey Karen, where's Ms Romanoff?" The team gives me weird looks but I ignore them. 

"She seems to be stuck in the last building, the building is currently on fire and there are no ways out." 

As soon as I heard the work 'stuck' I ran off the roof and swung over there. I heard the team yelling for me to get back. 

When I reached the building I saw the clusters off people there screaming and crying. I smashed a window and started to cough as the smoke filled my lungs. "K-Karen where i-is she?" I cough out, 
"Ms Romanoff is on the 10th floor."

I run to the stairs and start to climb. When I reached to 10th floor I called out but only got a faint cough form a distance. "H-hold on! I'm c-coming!" I rushed over (careful to avoided as much fire as possible) and found Ms Romanoff crouched on the floor coughing. I bent down to pick her up but my senses told me to move her quickly. So I did. I shoved her out the way but a little to late, I wasn't fast enough for myself. A sharp pain entered my side, I look and saw a metal pole going completely throw my side. "Well that's gunna leave a scar." I sigh, looking over to see if мама паук was okay. "Are you okay?" I ask,

"Y-yeah" she coughs. I quickly stand up (pole still in my side) and pick her up. I hear/ feel the building creak and shift. Deciding there was no other way I run and jump throw the wall. While falling I turn on my back holding Ms Romanoff to my chest so the impact for the cement didn't affect her much. 

I landed with a 'oof'. People came running over to us, pulling us away from the building in the nick of time. Just as we were safely distanced the building fell in on its self. "OH MY GO- NATAHSA!!" I heard Clint scream. He ran over to Ms Romanoff and pulled her into his arms, giving her the biggest of hugs. I smile at the best friends. Then he turns to me, "Thank you so much Spidey! You saved Nat!" He hugged her tighter while giving me a massive teary smile. I look round and see the other avengers looking shocked but relieved. I nod at them before slowly limping away. 

I reached an ally way and changed into my normal clothes, careful of the pole. I knew to leave the pole in as it's the only thing that is keeping most of my blood in. 

I called a taxi and it brought me to the children's hospital. I walk up to Holly and she smiles but it drops when she see's my injures. "Oh my- Peter! Come on!" She brings me behind the desk and helps me stich it up, plus helps my with my burns. Holly knows that I heal fast but doesn't know why. But she's never pressured me into answering, which I'm thankful about. "Can I spend the night here? With Sofia?"

"Sure, I'm going to call your emergency contact though and have them stay with you." She said in a stern voice. I nodded and walked down the hall way to Sofia's room. 
As I entered I saw Sofia sleeping on her bed, peacefully. I walked over the the chair beside her bed and sat down. 

After 5 minutes of sitting there engulfed in my own thoughts, the door opened. I looked up and saw Wade. "Hey" he whispered. I smiled and gestured for him to sit. He walked over and sat down next to me.  "What happened?" He asked. 

"I'll tell you tomorrow. I'll also introduce Sofia tomorrow. I know you know who she is and I'm sorry for not saying anything..."

"It's cool. Don't worry, just... want me to stay here with you tonight?" 
I nodded and lent my head on his shoulder. He wrapped an arm around me and I slowly fell asleep, not before whispering, "Люблю тебя Уэйд и София". (Love you Wade and Sofia)


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