A Good Day

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*Hello beautiful readers! Thank you for 32K! I honestly love you guys so much! I hope you guys have an amazing day! Um.. enjoy..*

Natasha's POV

I'm waiting in the living room for Bucky so we could talk about his theory from earlier. Everyone had gone to bed, and I think he was just going to get into pyjamas, whereas I was super smart and got into mine before the movie earlier.

"Hey there."

I turn on my spot on the couch to see Bucky in a captain America onesie approaching. "Nice pjs. Sam seen them yet?" I snickered.

Bucky rolled his eyes, flopping down next to me, "God no, it was one of the first things Steve bought me after the ice.. I only wear it when Tony has banned Sam from the vents- yes Sam has crawled into our room to make fun of my pjs before. Don't ask."

This makes me laugh, "Of course he does."

"Mm." He nods, "Anyway I think we should talk about my theory."

"Yes." I put a blanket over us and pass him a glass red wine, I myself have Ribena because I can get drunk while that idiot one on a few glasses of wine.

"I'll dive into it. I think we have met our son already in real life. Like without the mask."

I nearly choke on my Ribena, "What?! Who?!"

"Who do we know that is polite no matter what? Refers to everyone by Mr or Ms even when said to just call them by their name? Is super smart? Quick on his feet? Same body type and posture as Spidey? Funny? Kinda shy? Has a daughter? Oh, and named Peter." He raised and eyebrow.

My eyes widen, "Oh shit. Peter."


"I- I see it now."

"Yeah.." He smiles though, "I kind of like the idea of him being our son though, plus he's already friend -nearly boyfriends- with Harley, met and made friends with all of our friends. And he has a kid- oh my god I'm a дедушка!" (grandad)

Oh my god... I'm a mother and a grandmother.. holy shit. "We're grandparents.." I sign out, taking a big swig of Ribena, Bucky copying my actions. "Yep."

"You're the age to be great grandad, I'm still in my thirties! I had him when I was nineteen and a half! You had him when you were an old man."

"Shut up! I'm still technically in my thirties too!"

I roll my eyes, "Fine, but we're getting off track. So we agree having Peter as our kid is pretty cool, he does fit the description of Spiderman.. All we need to do is talk to Spiderman without the team. Not that hard."

"Not that hard? Everyone in this team is mad about talking to him."

I wave him off, "It's nothing, me and Clint did it all the time."

"I know but what's that got to do with Spiderman." He winks at me, and I throw a cushion at his head, near missing his wine spilling over him.

"Shut up bitch."

He smirked, "You know I'm right."

I roll my eyes, but my smile betrayed me, fuckin smile muscles. I clear my throat, "A-anyway we should meet him as soon as possible. I think I'll be able to do it, but you need Sam to do something that keeps Clint busy while we meet our son."

"I will don't worry.. you know how we might be meeting Peter and Sofia; doesn't that mean (if we are indeed correct) that we're meeting our son and granddaughter? Plus, we might even meet Alice, the woman figure in her life at the moment and aunt." He smiles thinking about our granddaughter.

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