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(Levi POV)

I consulted with Hanji after I had gotten Eren calmed and happy again, about the trip and taking Eren with us. Apparently his school skeduale intervered with it. Nothing a little hooky couldn't fix. So we decided that already but was how to get away with it and  not concern the already suspicious friends.

We were explaining most things on how this would possibly work on Eren's back porch. "Dammit maybe we can take away there memories for a little bit." Hanji said speaking her thoughts out loud. "No! Eren would be majorly pissed with me and we just got this relationship going on the right track from here damn it! " although I whispered this fiercely, Hanji got the gist soon enough.

Suddenly her eyed opened wide with inspiration, and possibly a better plan. "I know what we can do. I can covince the school that Eren and his family need time emotionally dealing with him coming back. And that'll get us the most at least three days tops! Meanwhile we tell him and his friends and boom, we'll secretly get him away for a three day weekend without them interfering, Petra and Eld watching over them. We go to hell come back and we explain how great the weekend was with Eren they had and then they all go to school tomorrow! "

I held my breath till the very end of this. It was compacted that was for sure but all it was a 90% full proof plan that needed anytime but time to get ready. It would have to do.

"Fine but if you mess shit up we out of here and coming back for Eren next weekend for and your taking your chances all over again." It was important that Eren come with me or else someone might find him before I get back....and I won't have any of that.

"Well the plan will get done by friday afternoon and then off we go to the underworld." I yawned we had spent a total of at least half and hour consoling this ideal plan and I was ready to climb into bed and just snuggle with Eren's and his ways of his atomatic self heating.

I got up from my seat streched up to pop my back. But turned around to be confronted with a very harsh glare from Eren's sister Mikasa.

I slid open the glass door, the only thing holding her back I might add. "What do you want?" I put my hand on my hip. My body language should have already been enough to tell her I'am tired and I was not in mood for this. "How long are you staying?" I shrugged; just to get her mad.

"Well even if you are staying and intend on spending to night. You. Will. Sleep. On. The. Couch." "Sorry no can do I'am buddy sleeping with Eren." I patted her head rather harshly and continued my way to Eren's room. "No." I suddenly felt a sharp tug at my waist. "You." I could feel my myself getting almost lifted fully off the ground. "Are." And being thrown into the couch. Hard. "Not!"

"Oh my god. Levi are you okay! Uh oh." Hanji was not just freaking out cause I got slammed into the couch. She was freaking out more cause of my very short temper. And how bad it was looking for Mikasa right now.

"Umm, how about I go get Eren." Hanji suggested rather quickly. "Yes, Hanji that probably would be for the best. Wouldn't want Mikasa having to go to the emergency room tonight."

I could almost hear her feral growl towards me. Only seconds later did Eren stand in the living room with Hanji anxiously by his side. "Mikasa did you tell Levi he couldn't come to my room." He looked a little irritated now. "Yes, cause I know what's best for you Eren and he isn't. He's evil. And I swear if that chibi lays a hand on you..."

Eren eyebrows furrowed. "That's none of your concern Mikasa, me and Levi's relationship is our business only. And If we want to sleep together, dammit we will!" Mikasa took a step back as if Eren had just punched her dead on. "Now Hanji is sleeping on the couch, Levi is sleeping with me okay."

He didn't even wait for her reply before tugging me off the couch and into his bedroom. "Fuck. She just does not know when to stop pissing people off!" He flopped onto his bed letting out an long sigh.

"Does some brat need his sleep." He turned his head to look at me irritated. "Levi don't..."

"Fine, fine let's get some sleep and talk more shit about Mikasa in the morning." "Sounds like a good plan to me." He said in a huff.

I hurried and shoved his dog titan off the bed once more. "Stay down mutt." The dog had the nerve to growl at me. Which in return I just let it be and went to slip into the covers with Eren.  "Come here Eren." I was too tired to go to him.

He scooted close to me, I took my opportunity to reach out for him and pull him close into my chest. Even though height difference made it such an akward thing like in the car. 

But Eren scooted lower into he bed to make it work.

This might of well been my chance to redeem myself, to have someone who loved me again. And feel the warmth of this so called affection. And this time I will not let it be taken from me.

If there was one thing I know for sure as of now is that humans are a lot more understanding then demons.

I hurried and leaned over Eren to turn off the light and then we both went to sleep...finally.


( Still Levi's POV )

As the sun came into a rise shining as a little sliver through the curtains. Almost purposely coming upon me and Eren's sleeping faces, burning at us to wake the fuck up already.

I tried to bury myslef into Eren chocolate brown hair. But then he began to stir, so my hiding spot in his hair was now eventually coming to an end now. "Levi are you awake and....are you sniffing my hair?"

I could have almost laughed at his comment, but not wanting to ruin the moment I didn't. "No I'am hiding from the blinding rays of the fucking sun." Eren snorted at this. Apparently he was very cheery morning person; just my luck.

"Do you not have sun in hell?" I shook my head. "No but we do have a black blazing ball of heat. Mostly similar to the sun." Eren laughed suddenly, I had no clue as to why he thought that was funny though.

"Instead of getting a tan you get pale. No wonder." I ruffled his hair. "Was that an insult?" Eren shrugged "I like your skin it's makes you look like a porcelain doll kinda."

I didn't really take any of this into offense; if not it was more an acurate description of my being.

Hard on the outside, almost hollow to the inside. But one wrong move and I fall and break on contact. I needed to be dominant or I'll be broken.

And loving someone was only the beginning of my cracked porcelain skin that was soon to be healed


Well hello there...

I've been gone for a while now if you haven't noticed. Per say went on a little "vacation" from wattpad.

But why? Because mother fucking comments pissed me off for some reason unknown? No I have a pretty damn good reason.

1. People just don't seem to understand the concept of fucking WHATEVER. SHIT OF ALL THE COMMENTS I GET Chosen For love

Like " you know this is impossible right."

"Levi and Eren can't get pregnant." Or some dumb ass shit like that.

Yeah I am calling all thoese bitches out. ITS FUCKING FANFICTION I DONT GIVE A FUCK IF THIS OR THAT ISNT REAL. MY STORY, MY PLOT, whatever I want in my story fucking goes bitch.

Thank you for all the people who understand what fanfiction is, and shit and decide to support my shit. I'am really trying here but some dumb asses are making it really hard and want to put pressure and negative support towards me.


Thank You Love You All~♡¤♡¤♡

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