I Didn't Mean It...

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We both said some things we didn't mean

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We both said some things we didn't mean. It was all in the moment, we were too blind to see how we both truly felt... It was all my fault...

The two teens stood in silence for what seemed like hours now, both not knowing how to fill this thick wall of awkwardness that they had built between them. The raven-haired boy couldn't even get the guts to lift his head to face her. The shame he felt felt like a huge weight on his shoulders, a weight that was almost too much to carry. He still couldn't believe he had spoken to her that way, it was out of line, it was stupid, and that image of her standing in front of him, in tears, was deeply engraved in his mind. He had broke her, he wanted to be the one to keep her safe, to protect her and he blew it...

Out of an old habit, he brushed his bangs back before hesitantly looking at her, and saw exactly what he hoped to never see again a second time. There she was, his light, his world, broken and those blue eyes that held so much innocence and light were dull and faded, and in place of that sparkle they had, were tears staining her cheeks...

Damien couldn't bare the sight. He looked away shamefully hoping to find some easy distraction. He noticed her wall by her bed had been decorated in a collage of pictures of all their hangouts. His curiosity spiked as he turned his attention to the area, hoping to maybe find the answer to the right words to a conversation hidden somewhere within the pictures, something in between the lines.

"What did I do wrong...?"

Damien's eyes widened as he turned towards the direction of the sudden voice, "I-" The girl looked up from her feet and looked at him, wiping her salty tears on her sweatshirt sleeve before she spoke again, "Please... please tell me what I did wrong? What did I do to make you so angry...?"

Damien was taken aback, he was shocked to think that after all this time, Peruru thought she was the one at fault. It made him feel sick to his stomach. He couldn't believe that he had been the one to make her think that this was all her fault and that she was the one that made him become so angry that day. "Ru... I'm sorry... I'm so sorry, it wasn't your fault, it was all mine, I was having a bad day and you were being so kind and loving to me and I-" He sighed, defeated, "I snapped. I knew I didn't deserve you and I just thought if I- if I pushed you away you'd be happier... You'd find someone else and you'd be better off without me. I didn't mean what I said... I didn't mean it." He stopped to wipe his own tears away, waiting for what he secretly knew would happen from the very beginning. She was going to leave him, she was going to leave him just like everyone else did. The love of his life was going to leave him behind, and he would be alone once again. He thought, 'If she'll be happier that way, then so be it.' As long as she was happy, he'd find a way to make himself happy too.

"You scared me Damien. I thought I was going to lose you forever, I thought the one person that makes me the happiest in this world was going to leave me. Those things I said I- I didn't mean them, I was just trying to protect myself from the pain, from the heartbreak I would feel if you were to leave and never come back... but you didn't, you came back, why?"

Damien looked down at his feet. He knew exactly why he came back, but was now the right time to say? Would it be too much, too soon and he'd end up making her leave anyway? 'Why? Why?! Speak Idiot!' "I came back because I love you," He looked back up and saw the expression on her face change, "I love you Peruru."

She shook her head taking a few steps away from him, "No. No, you don't mean that. Don't tell me that unless you mean it," she sniffled and her breath began to shake, "Un-Unless you truly mean it..."

Damien, with a sudden new goal knew he wasn't going to let this girl down again, he loved her more than anything and he knew now that this was the time to say it loud and proud, for he never meant anything more in his entire life. With that, he mustered up his remaining amount of courage, pressing his lips together and his eyebrows furrowing slightly, he stepped towards her, took her hands in his and looked directly into her eyes, there's no going back now, "Fine."

Peruru looked up and saw the look on his face and to be honest, it scared her. She in the whole time she's known him, has never seen so much determination on his face before. She could see him concentrating, his mind was focused, and his eyes were staring deeply into her own, it was actually quite intimidating. Just as she was about to shrink away and pull away from his grasp on her hands, he tightened his hold on her slightly, not enough to go hurt her, but enough to make her come back to him, to really focus on him. They both could feel the wall that stood tall between them collapse and he filled the silence with these three words,

"I love you."

🌸 Hiya! This has been a short story/one-shot of two of my OC's, Damien and Peruru. :D
(This particular one-shot was based off of a journal we had in my Creative Writing class)
~Feburary 27th, 2021~

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