Tornado on Sodor

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Today was unlike any other day on Sodor, no shining sun or cool breeze. Their was nothing but fast and crazy wind blowing all over. Their have been windy days on Sodor, but nothing this strong before.

Trees were blowing like crazy, nearly being pulled from the ground, some parked cars being blown over, and all in all dark gray clouds are in the sky looking ready to rain any second, but it would be more than that.

The wind has gotten so crazy, that nearly every second person and engine was being forced to go home and take shelter inside.

Thomas was one of those as he was taking the path of his branchline back home to Tidmouth, but the wind was so intense, he was so close to being blown off the tracks, and considering he was one of the smaller engines, that was not good for him.

" Holy moly this wind is strong. " - Thomas

" We're almost home. " - Tyler

As Thomas kept going, leaves were flying through the air and some of them hit Thomas in the face. 

"  I got to hurry. " - Thomas

He went a little faster, but that wasn't really helping much as tumble weeds were flying in front of him and the wind was blowing all the trees around.

Without incident, Thomas finally got back to Tidmouth, everyone else was already inside and waiting for him.

" Where is Thomas? " - Percy

" He should be back soon. " - Edward

" He better hurry, the wind is getting worse out there. " - Emily

" I see him. " - Henry

He saw Thomas coming in towards his berth, the door to his berth opened, which allowed the wind to blow inside the sheds.

" Oh jeez! " - James

" Too much wind. " - Rebecca

" I'm here. " - Thomas

He got inside and the door closed.

" Whew, thank god. " - Thomas

" Are you alright sweetie? " - Emily

" Yeah, i'm fine. I think. " - Thomas

" Goodness gracious that wind is strong. " -Tyler

" We should stay inside here until it stops. " - Edward

" What else will we do then? " - James

" You all just stay here and stay calm, the wind should hopefully stop soon. " - Tyler

" Where are you going? " - Thomas

" Home, what do you think? " - Tyler

He opened the side door to leave, only for a huge gust of wind to blow in. Then Tyler closed the door instantly.

" OK, looks like i'm staying here. " - Tyler

" Man, since when has the wind gotten this insane before? " - Nia

" I've never seen anything like this. " - Gordon

" Who knows what it's gonna look like when it stops. " - Percy

" From the looks of it, it's looking like a tornado will form. " - Tyler

Everyone looked at him.

" A tornado? " - Thomas

" None of you have heard of a tornado? " - Tyler

" No. " - Percy

" Well looks like I better sit down and explain. " - Tyler

Tornado on SodorWhere stories live. Discover now