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The words "Under Construction" taunt Lena, as she peers pathetically into the closed café which has become a staple in her life and the sole reason she's allowed Jessica to talk her into taking an afternoon break and a walk (doctor's orders be damned). Even the promise of the premises reopening in two days does nothing to lift Lena's mood, as she stares inside like a child forced to window shop at a chocolate store. She inhales deeply and swears she can smell the arabica as the roasting machine is dismantled before her eyes. RIP.

There's no vigor in her step, as Lena drags herself along her well-worn path back to the office. Is an afternoon without a perfectly prepared cup of coffee really worth living? Probably not, but Lena's lifelong companion, a steady level of ennui that's left an emotional footprint in Lena's heart best depicted by the visuals of Kansas in the Wizard of Oz, isn't as important as finding an injection of caffeine prior to her 2 PM board meeting. Without it, she'll have her mind on murder and murder on her mind. Truthfully, even with it, her mindset will be the same, but the combination of exhaustion and a growing headache might well trigger her latent 'stabby-stabby' Luthor gene.

"L-Corp, Lena Luthor's office. This is Jessica speaking. How may I assist you?" Jess replies professionally, picking up on the first ring.

"Jess, it's Lena. I need... Wait, doesn't caller ID tell you it's me who's calling?"

"Of course it does, Miss Luthor?"

"Then why did you answer the phone like that?"

"It's company policy. Would you like that amended?"

Lena pinches the bridge of her nose as she sighs. "Never mind. Jess, the café was closed. I need a cup of coffee."

"I'm so sorry, Miss Luthor. I should have verified there was no change to their usual schedule before you wasted your time."

"Jess, stop. You're in no way responsible for this. I'm coming up on L-Corp now. Just have one waiting on my desk by the time I get upstairs. There's no way I can face the board without," the reflection off her building of a waving flag emblazoned with a single, oversized bean causes Lena to stop and turn, "coffee."

"Of course, Miss Luthor. It will be waiting for you."

How long has a coffee shop been across the street from L-Corp, and why is Lena only noticing it today? She walks the same path most days except on the weekends (although she spends most of those at work), yet she's never given this place a second glance. It seems a more efficient option than putting on sneakers and walking a half mile, each way, to her usual place. The coffee can't be that much better at another café.

"Maybe the flag's new."

"Miss Luthor?"

"Oh, that's all Jess. I'll be there in a few minutes. Thank you."

Lena allows the promise of caffeine to lead her across the street to a place called 'Roasted' which, besides the waving flag, does not otherwise advertise its purpose. An odor like coffee blasts Lena in the face as she enters

"Welcome to Roasted," says the bubbly brunette that greets Lena at the counter. "You're new, aren't you?"

"I feel very old," Lena mumbles before flashing her best business smile and replying, "I'm a first time customer, yes."

"Well, that's awesome," says the barista with entirely too much enthusiasm to be faked. If not for the refreshing sincerity, it would be annoying. "What can we get you today, ma'am?"

"Coffee large, black, hot, to go, please."

"Really?" It's either Lena's raised eyebrow or general 'I would cut a bitch' demeanor that has the woman nodding and grabbing a cup. Either way, she's getting her coffee without further discussion, and that deserves a reward, so Lena shoves $5 into the tip jar and waits. She doesn't have to wait long for the full coffee cup to be exchanged for her credit card which is run through but held tauntingly out of reach on the other side of the counter. "Oh, I almost forgot. New customers get a free baked good. What would you like?"

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