The Aurum Masquerade

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The echoes of Eijirou Kirishima's boots bounced against the calcite-covered walls of the hallways, scuffing against the granite that paved the way through the empty household. He made haste, slamming open the doors to one Katsuki Bakugou's large bedchamber, his grin wide with excitement. Unfortunately, Bakugou was not in an excellent mood that evening, gingerly tending to a few wounds across the ridge of his back up to the brunt of his shoulder blades.

"It is with great honor and prospects that we, the crown royals of Tarragon, invite the highly-esteemed gentry of our neighboring kingdoms, for fine food and drink to commemorate our peace treaty of century-old tradition," announced Kirishima, reading from a pamphlet in his hands, crinkled from the humidity that permeated in the air. "But with tradition, comes formality. Our Aurum Masquerade shall be attended by our now heir-apparent, and as tradition dictates-"

"Shut up Kirishima," bellowed Bakugou through gritted teeth, rolling the square of his shoulders from the injuries. "I don't need a reciting of my... late mother's invitation."

"Well, she did set all of this up, and you need to find somebody suitable to keep the line going."

"You mean to keep the kingdom afloat," corrected Bakugou while he clasped accessories on his person - bone jewelry and leather armaments adorning his musculature.

"Ha, funny," remarked Kirishima while he reclined on Bakugou's large bed.

"Not funny. I mean, our kingdom floats but, that's not what I meant. And get your boots off my bed!"

Bakugou gruffly shoved Kirishima's legs off from the soft mattress before he flopped himself at the foot of the bed, staring above at the sparkling minerals that glistened against the flames of his small fireplace. He didn't notice the cringing look on Kirishima's face while he righted himself on the edge of the bed, rubbing the sore and stiff feelings across his torso.

"Bakugou, relax," calmed Kirishima. "It's a celebration! Even if you hate the idea of it, you can't run away from it. You are the Crown Prince and the next heir-"

"Only when I find a spouse-"

"Your mate-"

"Enough with the terminology!"

A scoff escaped from the blond, while he pulled himself from the bed, frustrated at the thought of the evening's events. He strode towards his large fur-trimmed cape that hung from the bannisters of his tall bedpost, eyeing the family crest embroidered in its shimmering lining.

"Still, plenty of fun to be had," concluded Kirishima with a chuckle, his jovial laugh dying slowly while he stared at the bruising that ran along Bakugou's ribs. "Did the warlock help?"

"Doesn't matter," replied Bakugou while he still stared at his cape. "He's not here, isn't he?"

"You must've seen something up in the sky! I told you everything about my experiences in that plane of existence. Hell, I wasn't allowed to take my Anima form, and then seeing my double-"

"You've told me one too many times," interrupted Bakugou, feeling a sharp pain run up his side.


"So what?"

"Did you find your answer?"

Bakugou's red glare briefly turned to Kirishima, spotting the almost puppy-dog look in his eye, before he sighed exasperatedly. He grabbed a hold of his cape, swinging it around his large shoulders and fastening the fur trim together by his chest.

"I did," he replied, spotting Kirishima's eyes brighten before snuffing the excitement out with one irate look. "I found myself."

"You saw your double too?"

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