In Confidence

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Bakugou sat at his throne once more, watching the banquet and court come alive. It had been a while since the start of this celebration, watching his guests gorge on food and merry on drink. His fingers rapped against the arm of his throne impatiently, staring off into nowhere in particular while his mind wandered. He recalled the last words his former warlock had told him and the look in his double's face, caked in dark makeup with strange outfits. If he had known he would face his double, he would've leveled the battlefield and not held back on his true power. Still, Bakugou scoffed inwardly at the state of his Anima.

And then, there was you, at least someone who looked like you, lying in his double's arms, clutching onto them as if life would slip from his fingers. The sight only rekindled his trust and faith in his former warlock's last words, knowing only that he would lose him forever for that one answer.

Upon recollection of his thoughts, his eyes found his way to you, spotting the same face while you appeared now in one of the throng of outfits offered to you by the chambermaids. Bakugou watched while you were greeted by Kirishima, his belly happy from the banquet table close by, while he spoke a few words, hopefully none too embarrassing for his liking. To his dismay, he had hoped you would have selected a piece that would match him. His eyes trailed along the outfit you wore - fitting across your curves and the shape of you seamlessly. He noticed the choice of fur on your person, even if it were modest in its placement across your left shoulder, and the cape attached that draped from it before he spotted Kirishima point towards the throne with a grin.

Following the Knight Commander's instruction, you turned to find the Crown Prince sitting by his large throne, his red eyes staring back at you. He looked awfully cross, and yet you couldn't fathom the thought that perhaps he was slightly mesmerized by the sudden change in your appearance, despite it only being a change in outfit.

"Hey, you should get that checked out," commented Kirishima, eyeing the bruise that began to appear across your cheek.

"I'll be fine," you reassured with a small smile, wincing a little from the taught dull feeling above your jaw. You gingerly grazed your fingers against the skin, the dull throb still tender from that slap to the face earlier that night.

"My Pearl could find something to ease the pain," continued Kirishima, frowning at the sight of the purple and reds emerging from your skin.

Chuckles then winces

"Thank you so much for your hospitality, Sir Kirishima."

"Please stop being formal. I actually hate the title," joked Kirishima with a toothy grin.

For someone who was famed to be the most fearsome Knight in all of Tarragon, you found Kirishima to be somewhat genuine, pleasing, and welcoming. His treatment back when your lord made a scene was done gracefully while his second-in-command, his Pearl by the sounds of it, assisted him in every way.

You nodded your thanks to Kirishima before you strode towards the head of the ballroom with your shoulders held back and head held high. At the very least you wanted to show dignity, despite the bruise that formed on your cheek and feeling the eyes of many pierce into you like daggers, perhaps from the earlier mishap with your now former lord. You took Kirishima's advice and stood just shy from the throne, standing by Bakugou's side in court. To suddenly see everything from this side felt so different from the other. The room felt like it opened up to you, now able to observe the many guests and their mannerisms, their quirks and their flaws. You felt like you were on a pedestal, unable to be touched by anyone, and yet you felt almost as vulnerable as before, all eyes on you.

"What do you see?" Asked Bakugou beside you, making your heart leap in your chest. You glanced at the Crown Prince, still unmoving on his throne while he laid his head languidly in his palm. His eyes turned to you, waiting for your response.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 14, 2021 ⏰

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