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Skinny love:(n.) When two people love each other,

But are too shy to admit it,

Yet they show it anyway.

A/N: the age for the Anbu team:

Kakashi- 11

Itachi- 8

Iruka- 20

Shisui- 13

Anko- 14

I know that they are young but this has to be the age for the story to make sense.


Running that is all this little boy can remember about life. He has always been running from the villagers that have haunted him since the day he was born. Why you may ask? Well, he douse not know. All he knows is that they hate him. They always have. "GET HIM!" They say as he is running down the street. 'Why cant I just have a normal birthday?' The little boy thinks as he takes a turn down an alleyway. He was only 4 at the time but he was very smart. He knew that people are usually congratulated on their birthdays. At first, he did not even know what a birthday was until he asked his Jiji.

His Jiji was not his real grandfather but he was treated like he was his real grandson, the only man that would come near him and not hurt him. One day he asked what a birthday was and he told him that it was the day he was born. Then he asked when his birthday was, October 10th, October 10th was the day he was born. He did the math and found out that he was 3. He also knew that the bettings always got bat on that day. Sure they happened every day, but of that day more people wanted to hurt them, and it was more painful that day too.

Today was his birthday and so he knew that it was going to be painful if he got caught. He wasnt thinking when he turned the corner of an alleyway was because he found himself at the dead end. The ANBU that were guarding him at the time were going on shifts and they were exchanging now. Around this time he would get his favorite people he never got to see them but their chakra signatures were very warm and comforting. He had been running for only five minutes a new personal record for the villagers of catching the Demon child.

As he turned around he saw that there were at least 30 people there. Some had Kuni and some had torches and pitchforks.

That was when Naruto Uzumaki knew that this was going to be the end. He just hoped that his Jiji would be alright.

30 minutes later with Jiji

"Lord third we need you immediately!" a guard came into the room where the third Hokage was sitting at his desk finishing up his paperwork for the day. "What is it cant you see I am busy, and why have any of you heard of knocking!" the man at the desk yelled. "Were sorry but there is no time. The ANBU team that has been assigned to guard Naruto has reported that they found him severely injured and rushed him to the hospital. He is in the ANBUs ICU right now and has said that they need you immediately!" This worried the man, then he remembered that today was his birthday and quickly poofed away to the ICU without thinking about how much work he had left to do.

Meanwhile with the ANBU team

5 people were sitting in the waiting room as their little blond was in surgery. When they got to the scene about 40 people were beating and cutting the newly 4-year-old child. They ended up killing all the people on the spot as they were so enraged about what they saw. They still have not taken off their mask because they were too worried about the kid that was currently in surgery getting all of the deep wound stitched up. The team that was on their way was the one that Naruto liked so much and they liked him too as they all have a personal reason for liking the boy not just because they were assigned to guard him but they looked forward to watch him grow up. They are team scarecrow the best ANBU team in the history of Konoha

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