The Beginnings of new friends!

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I'm smarter than you think.

I only need to learn something in a blink.

You always look underneath the underneath!

"Kurama speaking"
"Naruto signing"
'Someone thinking'

3rd POV

Two weeks have passed and Naruto is back in action. Though he is a completely different person. Not letting anyone touch him unless it is Teem scarecrow or the Hokage himself. That being said one of the members had to learn medical ninjutsu, but since they all wanted to help they all learned up to level 8 (Iruka was only at 3).

Naru has never smiled since he woke up nor has he made any other facial expression other than being mad, annoyed, or scared. But that is only with the team and Hokage. When Naruto was bored one day and there was no one around he asked Kurama to teach him how to see so that he can be a better ninja. During that time he was thought to feel the vibration in the ground and to also use his chakra (he also learned how to sign in sign-language while they were at it both the normal and ANBU/ Ninja one). Now he can see every little detail in the air within the fire country. He also acquired a new look that happened overnight one of his eyes turned a mix of purple, blue, and red and his hair is now black with red streaks in them along with thicker whisker marks on his face. No one minds because they knew that everything was perfectly fine. They must have known it was because Naruto set Kurama free from the seal but still sealed.

Now he is just about to leave the hospital when Itachi comes into the room with a knock on the door first. Of course, Naruto already knew that he was coming from when he entered the hospital so he was already ready.

When Itachi came into the room he was appalled at what he saw. Naruto had a shirt on but it was way too small and he had only shorts that had almost no coverage. For crying out loud it was in the middle of October and he had almost nothing on. "Naruto! What are you wearing!?!" Even though he would not answer Itachi knew that this was because he had Kurama inside him.

"Ok. scratch training today we are going to take you shopping." By the look of Naruto's face, the older boy could tell that this was going to be a problem. "Hey, Don't worry about it. I know these people and they aren't going to hurt you." Naruto only slightly nodded still wary about where he is being taken.

When they were walking through the shopping area on Konoha you could hear all the whispering as naruto walked by. He was used to them by now and just ignored it and walked on but Itachi was having none of it so he just took Naru by the wrist and shushind away to their location.

This happened to be a place where shinobi could buy clothes and also weapons. When they walked in they were greeted by a man named Kumo (this is going to be Tentens' father.) and a little girl just a year older than Naruto named Tenten. Nauto was scared to go so he just stayed right behind Itachi so that no one would notice.

"Hello, Kumo-san, how are you doing today?" asked Itachi, trying to get Naruto out of his legs. "Ahhh Itachi-kun I'm doing good, how about you?" he asked with a smile while trying to see what was hiding behind the young ninja's leg. "May I ask who is hiding behind your leg?" he asked, trying to look without moving from his spot. " Oh, this is who I need help on. His name is Naruto. He can't see or speak but he can hear. As you can see he needs an outfit change also he may be blind but he does not need help with walking or going anything just describing what something looks like." Itachi smiled and pushed Naruto out from his hiding spot.

" Awww, he's sooo cute! Dad can I pick out the outfit for him. Please pleas pleeeeeaaaassssss." Tenten was begging so hard and using the cute puppy eyes.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 08, 2021 ⏰

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