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You sit on the sofa, glad to finally be moved in to your new home.
Well, you have actually lived here for quite some time, almost three months now, but the house you bought has finally become your home.

You bought this house over a year ago, deciding you would move out of your small apartment in the city, wanting a change. 
After the blip things weren't the same, you wanted to be somewhere new.

It had taken you some time to find where you wanted to go, in fact it had taken you three and a half years.
But you had found it.
A three bedroom, two bathroom house in the town of Westview.

Renovations had been made first, the house had been empty for nearing 10 years and it was in dire need of love. After 8 months all of the necessary works had been completed, and you moved in, bringing the small amount of things you owned along with you.

Despite the necessary works being completed the house was far from finished, the rest of the work you had done pretty much yourself.
The only thing that you hadn't done yourself was the flooring. 

The past three months has been filled with painting walls and ceilings, buying appliances and furniture, decorating the house with plants and artwork and things you had found and thought would look nice.

Finally you are able to look around and call this house your home.
You can officially say that you have settled into Westview.

Westview, New Jersey. 
A small town with a population just shy of 4,000. 
You still don't really know what drew you here in the first place. 

Perhaps it was the peace and quiet, perhaps it was the atmosphere.
Perhaps it was just being able to get out of the city that you grew up in, escaping the memories of what happened just over five years ago.

You lost many friends, although you seemed to have been one of the lucky ones. Both you and your parents had survived the blip.
Unfortunately that luck didn't last long.

Your mother had gotten into an accident, one that took her life. Barely anyone had attended her funeral, most still grieving the loss of their loved ones. 
The next week you had gone to see your father, he had insisted you do.

He had you sign paper after paper, giving you all of your parents saving.
He had told you that the plans he had for it were null and void now, and that he only needed enough to keep himself going.

He had told you to follow your heart and be free of the city like you had always dreamed of.

With your savings and mostly what you had been given by your father, you had bought the house you stand in now.
Your house. 
Your home.

Reaching forward you grab the TV remote, pressing the on button.
You flip through a number of channels, not finding anything interesting to watch.

Most channels at the moment have one focus, the fact that the missing half of the population had come back.
You hadn't really watched anything on the TV for a few days because of this.
It has been bittersweet for you.

The friends that you lost five years ago would be back now, but you've moved.
It's been so long that you don't think that you could reconnect with them, plus you're now five years older than they are. 
Many of what is on is families being reunited.

Something that you can't have.
Your mother had passed not too long after so many went missing.
The difference between people that lost family members in the blip and you is that you can't have yours back. 
The loss of your mother can't be undone.

You turn the TV off, deciding it will be better that way.
As grateful as you are that the half the population that went missing are back you can't say that it doesn't upset you. 

You find yourself feeling just as you did when you found out your mother was gone.
You may have been the lucky one to keep your parents five years ago.

You may have been the lucky one to have been able to bury your mother five years ago.
But you sure as hell aren't the lucky one now.

Even Westview has changed. There are more people now, many more houses are filled. 
You don't even know the majority of the people that live around you.

In fact you don't really know anyone.
Not once in three months has anyone come over to introduce themselves. 
You've been too busy with decorating to go and see anyone.
Maybe you should get to know the neighbours soon.

Well.. The street you live on isn't very full, even with people returning.
There is an empty house directly over the road, which neighbours a completely empty plot with only the foundations of a house.

It makes you wonder if once upon a time there was a house there or whether it just never got built.

The plot doesn't seem to be listed for sale which makes you wonder who owns the plot, and what they intend to do with it. If anything.
Maybe they had plans but disappeared in the blip.
Maybe you'll never know.

You sigh, staring at the blank TV screen. If only things had been different.
If only things were different.
If only you didn't feel quite so alone.
No friends, no lover, your only family living in another state.

You stand, walking over to the window. You place your hands on the windowsill and look around.
The street is quiet, as it usually is.

No one is on the street, no one is in their garden.
There are a few cars missing, people that are out shopping or at work.
This is how it usually is.
Quiet, empty.
You wonder if it will always be this way.

As you turn to leave you notice something moving.
A car. 
One you don't recognise. A red Buick.
You shrug, turning away from the window.
Someone is probably lost, they'll turn around go the other way and you'll never see them again.

You make your way into the kitchen, opening one of the cabinets when you take a step back.
Your head is pounding.
"I didn't feel this coming on" you state to only yourself, closing your eyes. 

When you reopen them something feels off. There just seems to be something that is different, although you can't for the life of you figure out what it is.
"Perhaps I should go for a lie down." You close the cabinet, making your way up the stairs to your bedroom.

You take a long hard look out of the window before you close the curtains, but still you can not tell what isn't right.
You pull the two long pieces of material to the center of the window where they meet before getting ready and going to bed.

Hopefully your headache and the feeling of unease will go by the morning.

Less Lonely With You (Agatha Harkness X Fem!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now