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The next morning you wake up nice and early, wanting to make more out of today then you did yesterday.

You pick another dress from your wardrobe, this one having longer sleeves.
The rest of your morning routine is the same, you fix your hair and makeup and go downstairs for breakfast.

After that you clean up as quickly as possible, still determined to go see Agnes today.
Despite how quick you try and go it is afternoon by the time you're done, but that's not too late.
You slide on your shoes and head out the door.

You see Agnes just down the road, coming from the house next to hers. She is wearing a similar plaid dress and a little black cape, probably to keep herself warm with the sun already setting.

You quickly check the road for cars, not that many people around here own a car, and cross.
"Agnes." You wave. 
"Y/n, how nice to see you again. Can I ask what you're doing outside alone at this time of night?" she comes to stand beside you outside of the front of her house.

"Well I thought I might come over and see you." You state. Agnes gives you quite the amused look.

"Whatever caused you to want to do that?" She asked, the amusement coming out even clearer in her voice."Well.. I suppose I just enjoyed your company." 

"My house is a little bit of a mess right now, how about we go over to yours?" Agnes asks, holding out her arm. 
You nod, not making eye contact with her as you loop your arm through hers.

The walk over the road is done in silence, which you're quite grateful for given how nervous you seem to be. 
Agnes removes her arm from yours once you are at your door, allowing you to unlock it.
You gesture for her to go in first and she does with a smile on her face.
You close the door behind you, leaving the keys in the lock.

"Would you like a drink?" You ask.
"Oh that would be wonderful, let me tell you, after the day I have had I am gasping." You laugh along with her.

Not wanting to pry for information you walk into the kitchen, deciding tea would be suitable for the two of you.
You also pull out a small tin, containing biscuits, deciding they would go well as a small snack.

It doesn't take too long for the tea to be ready, and you take it in on a small tray alongside the biscuits.
You place it on the coffee table and sit in the same place as you did yesterday.
You pour Agnes some tea and hand her the teacup, which she accepts with a smile.

"What has been so exciting today then?" You ask, sipping your tea.
"Well, I went over to meet the new neighbour. I tell you, things are a little strange over there."

"I really shouldn't say too much, but since you've asked, there just seems to be something.. strange about the two of them." Agnes places her tea cup down, taking a biscuit.

"I haven't met them yet, although I will say something does feel a little strange around here. I just can't quite place what it is." Agnes seems to take a little bit of extra intrest at your words, you can't help but wonder why.

"Whatever do you you mean, hon?" She asks, shuffling closer than last night, almost leaning into you.

You can smell her prefume now, it's light and floral, but earthy.
You find yourself lost in it for the moment, almost forgetting to answer the question.

"Well.. Westview has always been quiet, but now it's almost too quiet. There is no background noise, nothing from outside. It's unnerving, Agnes." She says nothing, you don't know if she understands.
You don't know if she can feel it as well.

The night you got the headache is when it started.
The feeling had eased the next morning, although it had been back quickly.

Since that night everything has been quiet.
You haven't heard people coming and going from work, you haven't heard any of the people in the surrounding houses doing anything.
You haven't heard birds, or the wind.

"I'm sure it's just the weather." Agnes states, reaching for her tea again.
"I don't think so, Agnes. I don't know what it could be."

Again, Agnes has no response. The two of you spend the next few minutes in silence, it seems to you that you're both unsure of what to say.
You wouldn't blame Agnes if she had nothing to say, if she hadn't even noticed that things just.. feel different.

Something changed that night. Something changed all of Westview.
That's what it feels like anyway.
Although now you can't be sure.

Soon enough Agnes starts talking again, deciding that she has some gossip she wants to share with you about the neighbours.

The conversation is much more pleasnant than the last, the two of you spend what feels like forever talking about those that live around you.

Agnes knows a lot more about everyone than you do.
You had sort of expected that, you know a fair bit about those that live around the two of you (with the exception of Vision and Wanda since you have yet to meet them).

You know their names and ages and some things about them, although your knowledge seems to be more community oriented.
All of which you find strange given that you can't remember meeting a single one of your neighbours, let alone going to a community event.

You don't tell Agnes this, although she picks up on it very fast.
"You keep to yourself a lot, don't you?" Her words were not malicious, in fact Agnes sounds more concerned than anything.

"Next time there is a meeting I'll let you know. You can tag along and keep me company, stop me from ending up like Dottie's roses." You smile and nod.
"I would like that."

"Anyway dear, it's late and I should really get home." Agnes' words cause your heart to sink, but you nod in agreement.

You're not sure how long she has been here, you know the tea was finished a long while ago and the biscuit tin is missing more than a few of the sweet treats.
You must have lost track of the time in conversation.

Agnes stands, and so do you, leading her to the door.
The two of you say your goodbyes and she steps outside, beginning the short walk to her house.

"Agnes?" You call after her.
Agnes turns to face you, her eyes meet yours and as suddenly as you do a wave of nerves hits you.
"Yes?" Her voice is sweet, soft. A contrast to her usual attention demanding tone.
"Would you like to go on a walk tomorrow?" For a moment Agnes looks quite taken aback.

"The things you say, Y/n, well they're curious to say the least. I'll be here at noon sharp. Be ready." She winks, turning and walking away.

You wait by the door until you see she is over the road and safely in her house before locking yourself in.

You walk into the living room, going to tidy away your pots.
You walk past the sofa when you are hit with a familiar scent.

You smile to yourself, picking up the tray with the pots and carrying it into the kitchen.
You decide to leave it for now, instead taking yourself straight to bed.

It's been a long day anyway, but you want to sleep.
After all, the faster you sleep the faster you get to be with Agnes.

Less Lonely With You (Agatha Harkness X Fem!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now