Chapter Five

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“You ready, Zuma,” Chase asked the chocolate lab.

“Let’s do this, dude,” Zuma exclaimed. They put on the collars and immediately felt the strength and power from the meteor.

“How did it work,” Ryder asked.

Chase ran down and up the outer wall of the tower, which only took a second, thanks to his super speed. “It works great,” Chase said. “I feel more powerful than ever.”

“Must be the proximity of the meteor,” Ryder thought aloud. “And you Zuma?”

Zuma looked to his right. An empty soda can was sitting on a table on the balcony. He raised his paw to it. His paw glowed orange as a  gust of water from Zuma’s paw knocked the can over the edge.”This is totally awesome.”

“That’s great,” Ryder said. “Now, it is up to the both of you to stop Harold and Copycat.”

Chase stood up straight. “We will not let you down, Ryder, sir.”

“I know you won’t,” Ryder said. “Goodbye. I will contact you later.”

“Goodbye, Ryder,” Chase and Zuma said at the same time.

Ryder hung up the call and put the pup pad away. A minute later, Harold Humdinger stopped by in front of the cell door. “I heard talking,” he said. “What’s going on over here.”

“Um, nothing,” Ryder lied.

“Well, don’t think about getting out of here,” Harold said. “I built this cell myself. You can’t break out. But you know, I’ll be kind enough to let you watch how we take over Adventure Bay.”

The televisions turned on and displayed multiple camera views of the city. Each television showed four different videos at once. Every couple of seconds, the videos switched to a different camera view across the town. Some videos came from high up, most likely from the giant robots. Others came from the robot that patrolled the streets. Some came from higher up, but not high enough to be from the giants. “You got flying cameras?”

Harold grinned. “I’m glad you noticed. And yes, I do.” He opened his palm. Ryder didn’t see anything at first but then realized what Harold was showing him. In the center of his hand was a small robot. It had a propeller and a focal lens. It was a miniature flying camera, only two inches long. Ryder was intrigued by the object, but he didn’t show it. “I have dozens of these flying across the town,” Harold explained. “Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have to come up with a new name for Adventure Bay.” He started to walk away.

Ryder hit the bars with his hands. “We will stop you,” Ryder said. “You won’t get away with this.”

Harold stopped in his tracks and turned around. “How are you going to do that? All of you are…” That was when he realized something. He called out for his ally. “Copycat, how many members of the Paw Patrol did you count?!”

Copycat ran up to them in superspeed. “Eight, why?” Copycat asked.

“Tuck and Ella are here,” Harold said.


Harold glared at him. “Two pups are missing.”

Copycat’s eyes widened. He and Harold ran back to the monitor and started looking through the cameras. As Harold searched through the cameras, the televisions in the cell also changed views, so Ryder and the pups saw what Harold and Copycat saw. Harold stopped on one screen that was from for different flying cameras that were at the Lookout. All four of them were facing Chase and Zuma, but they didn’t seem to notice.

Chase and Zuma were looking at a map of the city. Red dots and circles covered the map. Chase was saying to Zuma, who was nodding, but they couldn’t figure out what they were talking about.

At that moment, Mayor Humdinger walked into the room. “What’s going on here?” he asked as he noticed the Paw Patrol in the cell. He counted them quickly. “Why are there two pups missing?”

“It’s Chase and Zuma,” Harold said. He was trying to hear what they were saying, but he couldn’t figure it out. “I forgot to add microphones to the cameras.”

“Well, that’s just perfect,” Copycat sassed.

“What do you mean ‘Chase and Zuma’?” the mayor asked as he walked up to the screen. From the bottom left corner of one of the televisions in the cell, the Paw Patrol could see the argument between the three villains. “You forgot to capture them?” Mayor Humdinger asked.

“You forgot to capture them?” Copycat mocked. “No need to worry, it’s only to of them, and they don’t have their powers.”

“Check again,” Harold said. Copycat looked up at the screen as Chase ran down to the first floor and came back up with a new red marker.

“Okay, so they got their powers,” Copycat corrected. “It’s still just them two, they won’t be able to stop us.”

Mayor Humdinger took a deep breath to calm himself down. “Okay, but one of them just so happens to be Chase. He’s more difficult to get rid of than the others.”

“So? We still have the greater advantage. Chase and Zuma will get capture easily. There is only so much those pups can do. Look, we’ll send some of the smaller robots to the Lookout. If they’re smart, they will retreat. Victory will be ours one way or another.”

The mayor looked up at one of the videos. “Don’t underestimate the pups, Copycat. They’re smarter than you think.”

“We can beat them,” Copycat exclaimed. “You’ll see.”

The mayor had his hands behind his back but didn’t take his eyes off the video. The video showed zoomed-in footage of Chase’s face as he talked. He had a serious face on, which showed pure courage and leadership. “I’m not sure, Copycat,” the mayor said. “I’m not sure.”

A New Super Paws-A Paw Patrol Mighty Pups StoryWhere stories live. Discover now