Chapter 1

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Soooo..... Hi. This is my first chapter and I have no idea what I am doing so please don't be to hard on me. Though input is highly valued, I am not that great at handling criticism so ya

Warning: There are some things that could be triggering in this chapter, such as abuse, rape, excessive drinking, read at your own risk

~Elliot POV~

I am proud to tell you I have created the perfect mask. No, it is not a real mask. It is an emotional mask that I wear everyday to make people think I am okay. It is not like anyone would actually care though if they knew the real me. My parents hate my guts, and I am surrounded by fake friends. 

I have one true friend, but he left several years ago.

 His name was Jack and he always knew how to make me feel better. His parents cared for me and I often wonder if that is how it felt to have a real family. 

They had to leave because Jack's dad got a new job in California. It pays them well and they are living a good lifestyle because of it. 

They used to have money problems and I offered to help, since that my parents are rich, but the declined saying that they didn't want me to feel as if they were using me for their money.

 I am glad they cared about my feelings, but I still wish they had stayed. Maybe I wouldn't be at the state I am now if they stayed.

I never told Jack about the stuff that went on at home. I was afraid he would leave me if he did. You see, my parents abuse me. Badly. When I was younger, it was just small verbal abuse here and there. It was just them saying that I was in the way, or that I couldn't do anything. 

When I turned 8, it started to get worse. They would yell, call me a slut, whore, fat, or something like that. Mind you, at the time I was still a virgin.

By the age of 10, it turned physical. My father liked to use me as his punching bag when he was drunk. He would only get drunk when he had a bad day at the company he ran, which was almost everyday. This is where my fear for alcohol came.

Liquor was everywhere in my house, and my house if fairly large. It always reeked. When ever I smelt alcohol, I knew there was pain to come that day. 

When I was 12, my father raped me. This is where I lost my virginity. I didn't know what was going on at the time.

 He told me to come to his room so that we could play together. My being the idiot I was at the time, thought he would finally care for me. I wondered if he would through a football with me like I saw other fathers do with their kids.

 I was so wrong. He was the only one who enjoyed that night. 

I am guessing that is where my coping method of studying came from. That night, I told myself I never wanted to be an idiot ever again. I started walking to the library when my parents weren't home and read anything and everything.

Soon, my father started bringing in other men and woman to join the abuse. They would take turns toying with my body, doing whatever they pleased. My mother didn't care at all. Instead, she decided to make it worse.

My mother would verbally and physically abuse me. She would assign me long and tedious chores, and then slap me when I didn't get them done on time. My life was pure hell, and it still is. It really has only gotten worse.

When Jack left, it was only a 2 months after I had gotten raped for the first time. I had already been raped several times after that, but it still happened. It was like a bomb had dropped on my soul. He was my only safe place, and now he was gone as well. 

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