Chapter 2: Louis P.O.V.

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Chapter 2

Louis P.O.V

There he was. In the flesh in blood with his curls tousled around his face and his glasses askew. He was just so perfect. But he obviously didn't think so. I mean he was Harry Styles, pretty much the smartest computer genius in all of Europe. And the smartest person I knew, ever. A few mintues had passed and I hadn't realized Harry had been calling my name. "Louis!" he practically shouted across the crowded shop. My face instantly lit up, I loved the way he said my name. Slow and deep. I practically melted. "Harry!" I called back and waved him over. He briskly walked over to my table and sat down looking a bit uncomfterble. "Is the booth to small for you mate?" I said chuckling "just a bit" he responded.We talked for a bit until Harry realized that they had called for his coffee more than twice. I packed up my things and walked the few blocks to our HQ with Harry. My arm lightly brushing up against his as we crossed the street. His light jacket streched against his broad shoulders, I knew he didn't work out, he was just built that way. But he was to clumsy to be any type of spy, he was always knocking something over or tripping over one of the many cord that surrounded his work area. But he was cute and clumsy and awkward and perfect.

   I hadn't realized I had been gazing at Harry for longer than usual and almost missed the walk light at the cross walk. But i quickly hobbled behind Harry as he was reaching the center of the crosswalk looking back at me with his green eyes. 

   We had reached the building and took the elevator to the lower level where the meetings were always held. I dropped my coat and breifcase off at my desk and made my way to the oversized meeting room. I took my seat, which was to the right of the head chair. Zayn sat on the left but he was returning from a misson and Harry sat next to Zayn. Margret Danisol was the head of all MI6. But we all called her M, to shorten it. She took her seat at the head of the table and waited as the rest of e agency got setled in their seats. 

"Hello" she started "as we all know Zayn Malik, or Agent 357, just finished up our most recent  mission. He has done very well and as I'm sure most of you will agree" everyone nodded. "Moving on" she said gesturing to the screen behind her. On the screen came up a series of codes, I'm sure Harry could have figured out which was which and what they all meant in under a minute. 

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