Chapter 3 (Harry)

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After the long and dreadful meeting that I did not enjoy in anyway. I returned to my cluttered desk to retrieve my research and was going to head home when I was stopped by the cheeky Louis Tomlinson. "Hello Lou, anything I can do for you?" He gave me a little smirk, not sure why but, I thought it was a bit cute, he was always doing that to all of his co-workers. "Actually Harry I was wondering if you wanted to come to the airport with me to pick up Zayn, you know since I'm pretty sure it'll be pretty unfortunate if no one showed up and he was there alone." My face lit up, of course I would love to go see Zayn, I hadn't seen him in days and I wanted to know I much he had changed. "Of course I'll go" I said almost jumping in the air but, I had to regain myself, I didn't want to have anyone get any ideas. 

 Arriving at the airport after a long and too quiet drive we had to wait 15 minutes for Zayn's plane to land. Louis lead me to a section where I could sit and wait, I'm pretty sure he thought I was the most excited for Zayn to come home. Louis went off to get us coffee even though I'd had enough today already. About 10 mintues later the intercom boomed that Zayn's plane had  landed and I raced toward the gate where he would come out any second. People from the same flight rushed past me, running to get their luggage. At the very back of it all I saw the very fimiliar bronze coloured eyes that I had know for the past couple of years. His hair was different though, he has lost the blonde streak and cut off a bit so it could spike up. He looked... Cute. "Zayn!" I called over the crowd, as he turned toward me. "Harry, Lou! hey" he said while hobbling toward us, his tie coming loose. "Zayn, you alright man?" I asked worriedly, "I'm fine man, calm down." He said giving a small smile, which meant he was partically lying. 

 We turned to exit the airport but, when I looked back I saw Zayn clutching his shoulder with pain spread across his face. "Zayn!" I called out. He just looked up and smiled "I'm alright man, just hit my shoulder on a wall chasing that son of a bitch". 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 03, 2013 ⏰

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