meeting da boiz

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Y/n hummed as she walked through the park gate. She was going to have her first day of work today.

What is her new job, one might ask. Well...

Y/n is Seventeen's new caretaker. (Well, more of a babysitter, based off of what she's heard...)

The brunette's beaming smile faltered for a bit. Thirteen grown men who (allegedly) act like kids. It couldn't be that hard, right?

"Whatever," she mumbled, shifting the strap of her tote bag on her arm. "They're grown men, they can probably do most of the work."

Y/n turned the corner on the path and faced a large, covered area. There were three picnic benches, and two of them were filled, with six people sitting at each table. On the other one, there was a bowl filled with tiny paper slips. There was a man sitting at the table, who looked up as she appeared.

"Ah, Ms. Y/l/n!", he said, standing up. Y/n beamed and jogged over to the table. "Hello! Please, call me Y/n."

The man smiled as well. "Ok, Y/n! Call me Seungcheol, or S.Coups. I'm the leader of Seventeen," he glanced over at the other tables.

"YA! SHE'S HERE!", he hollered, and all of the other boys turned there heads.

Y/n jumped at the yell, as the twelve idols ran over.

"Hello, I'm Y/n, it's nice to meet you all." She smiled softly, bowing to the members.

They all looked at her for a second, before Seungcheol coughed. All of their heads turned to him in sync, and he sent a small glare. "Let's introduce ourselves in order. Starting from the left, let's go."

The boy on the left blinked once, before smiling. "Hello, I'm Jeonghan." He held out his hand, and y/n shook it. "Nice to meet you," She smiled, before turning to the next member.

"Hey, I'm Joshua." He said, and y/n laughed softly. 

"Nice to meet you, Joshua."

The next member shyly smiled at y/n. "I'm Jun, it's nice to meet you :)"

"Nice to meet you too!" the brunette sent a soft smile to him as well, which seemed to settle his nerves a bit.

The sixth member giggled holding a hand up for a high five, "I'm Hoshi, but you can call me Horangi."

Y/n laughed, high fiving the tiger-man. "Ok, Horangi."

The next member smiled, holding a hand out, "I'm Wonwoo", Y/n shook the given hand with a soft smile.

(i got lazy so intros are over. might come back and change that)

"Ok, manager said that, before we head to the house, (i understand they live in dorms, but bear with me, please) we need to do icebreakers." S.coups said, looking at everyone.

"Ok, let's do it then. Since you're new, why don't you go first, y/n" Woozi suggested. Said girl nodded, "Okay!"

Y/n put her hand in the bowl of paper and pulled out a slip. Unfolding it, she read out the question.

"If you were stranded on a desert island, which member would you take?"

"Hmm..." y/n fiddled with the paper as she thought, "Maybe Woozi. All of the animals on the island would be scared of him, so we would be safe."

The members laughed loudly, bar Woozi, who playfully shoved y/n. 

"I'm better at fishing!" Seungkwan said, raising his hand.

if y/n was seventeen's manager (more like babysitter tbh)Where stories live. Discover now