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           They began to make frantic efforts to make me slow down but I didn't listen, mainly because I was enjoying this. I was driving at 180km/h. I love speed.

          "Alex, please slow down. You're going to get us killed!", Jessica shrieked.

         "We are all gonna die eventually", I reasoned, glancing at her through the rearview mirror. She clasped her palms over her mouth, trying not to scream.

     "Oh God! This is not how I'm supposed to die. I didn't even get to graduate!",Olivia screamed, clutching onto her seatbelt tightly for dear life.

          "I love you mum and dad! Sorry for lying about who crashed your Lamborghini! I can't believe I'm going to die as a freaking virgin!", Jenny wailed loudly, with a very pained expression, probably due to the last part.
            I decided to scare them even more because why not?

         "Any last words guys?!!", I yelled loud for them to hear. Jessica looked like she was about to faint.

              "Please stop!! I am still too young and pretty!", Jess pleaded, holding onto Olivia who was still holding onto her seatbelt.

          "You're going to get pulled over by the police Alexandria! Slow down!",  Olivia chided but I scoffed.

       I used to get pulled over a lot back at Italy. Nothing new.

          "I don't say this a lot but I want y'all to know I love you guys. In my next life, I hope I come as a cow", Jenny said and I shook my head, focusing on the road.

         "Ew! You want creepy men playing with your titties every single day?!", Jess shrieked.

            Jenny only shrugged.

           They were being so dramatic. I do this all the time with brothers. That's what happens when your parents leave you with three immature boys. While the girls were screaming a list of things they never got to do, an idea crossed my mind on sighting the traffic light a few hundred metres from us.

             It was at green at the moment but after making a few mental calculations, I concluded that it would have switched to red by the time I got there. Hmmph. I have probably about one hundred and twenty seconds before the it hits red again.

             I like a good challenge. I'm beating the red light.

             I licked my lower lip and stepped harder on the gas pedal, increasing my speed from 180km/h  to 220km/h, switching gears and tightening my fingers around the steering wheel. I ignored my loud passengers, although it was hard to do so and turned up the volume of the radio letting eminem's angry rap fill my ears.

            I swerved from left to right, overtaking cars the slow and responsible drivers in front me, occasionally wincing from the loud blaring of their horns.
      The familiar rush of adrenaline coursing through my veins was surreal, for a moment I felt like I was acting a scene on fast and furious. Yeah but this is real life. Don't try this at home kids.

                      45 seconds...

       The traffic light switched to yellow and I began to honk loudly just to alert drivers and get them out of my way.

           "You guys doing good?!! Brace yourself for the best part!", I yelled over the loud music.

              "Noooooo please I don't wanna die Alex", Jess cried. Wimp.

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