A woman with no name

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           "A bottle of whiskey please."
           "We don't serve women unless they are accompanied by a man." The bartender said.
           "Who says I'm a woman? I could pull out a dick right now and show you. I bet it's bigger than yours."
He widened his eyes and cleared his throat.
  The Shelby's walked out of their private room and they all saw her standing there. She had tan skin with long, golden blonde hair. She stood with long, toned legs in her short dress. They could tell she wasn't from here.
          "Tommy who the holy hell is that?" Arthur asked.
          "I don't know, brother."
          "Dibs." John yelled.
Arthur smacked John.
          "You can't call dibs yet, we don't even know her."
          "You two are fucking idiots." Ada said.
          "I'll go find out." Tommy said.
          "Of course you get to go." John said.
          "But I saw her first." Arthur whined.
          "Keep it in your pants." Polly scolded.
Tommy ignored his brothers and walked over.
          "Is there a problem here?" He asked.
She turned and they made eye contact. She had deep blue eyes that looked like bright sapphires and defined cheekbones.
          "I'm just trying to buy a bottle of whiskey, but apparently there's some rule that women can't be served without a man?" She said.
Tommy was stunned by her accent. It was beautiful. She looked Tommy up and down.
"He's standing beside me and looks like a man....barely." She said to the bartender.
He looked at Tommy.
          "Get her a bottle, Harry."
Harry walked away to get a bottle of whiskey and Tommy stared at this mysterious woman.
          "Your accent. I take it you're not from here." He said.
          "And I take it...you aren't as dumb as you look."
He was taken back by her response. Tommy smirked because he was intrigued.
          "You'll freeze here." He said as he looked her up and down.
          "I'm warm blooded."
He smirked.
          "I doubt that."
She raised one eyebrow at him.
          "Do you know who I am?" He asked.
          "Just another man with a big ego."
He gave a small smirk because he liked this. No one ever pushed him like this. He was amazed at how independent and fearless she seemed.
          "Where did you come from?" He asked.
          "Why are you here?"
          "I guess it was just fate that I would come into this pub and have this nice chat." She said sarcastically.
He stared at her as he lit a cigarette and then offered her one. She took it, but didn't light it. Harry came back over and handed her the bottle. She got out money, but Tommy stopped her.
          "It's on the house."
          "I don't work like that." She said as she put the money on the bar and started to walk out.
          "How do you work?" Tommy said as he followed her.
          "You'll never know, sweetheart."
They got outside the pub.
          "Who are you?" He asked.
She turned to him as she put her sunglasses on.
          "No one".
          "What is your name?"
          "I don't have a name."
          "A woman with no name." He smirked.
          "Tommy. Tommy Shelby." He said as he stuck out his hand.
          "And I'm wondering when I asked."
She put the cigarette in her mouth, but never lit it as she walked away. Tommy watched her disappear into the streets of Birmingham and he was left wondering all about her. Wondering more than he would like to admit. He walked back inside and went to the bar.
          "If she comes back in here, you serve her." He said to Harry.
          "Will do, Mr. Shelby."
The group talked as Tommy was at the bar.
          "Did you see her?" Arthur asked.
          "She looked like Grace." Ada said.
          "Oh no. Grace never looked like that." John smirked.
Tommy walked back over to the group.
          "What did you find out?" Finn asked excitedly.
They all looked at him.
          "What? I want the same chance to get her."
Everyone laughed at him. 
          "You're 15 Finn. She wouldn't want to be with a little boy." Arthur said as he messed up Finn's hair.
Finn shoved his arm away.
          "But seriously, Tom. Who is she?" John asked.
          "I have no idea. She wouldn't give up anything. I couldn't even get her name."
Arthur and John smirked.
          "The Tommy Shelby was turned down. This should be in the fucking papers!" John said.
Tommy rolled his eyes as he ignored that.
          "She looks sort of familiar though. I can't put my finger on it." Polly said.
          "Yeah, I feel like I've seen her before." Ada added.
The boys stared at the women and then Ada'a face lit up and she ran out of the pub.
          "And where the fuck is she going?" Arthur asked.
Ada wasn't gone long. She ran back in, holding a magazine. She put it on the table and flipped to a page. Everyone looked at it.
          "She's Charlotte Wilson. An Australian fashion model." Ada said.
          "She's beautiful." Arthur said as he looked at the page.
          "Yeah. Every girl wants to look like her." Ada said.
"She also has her own swimsuit line." She added.
"Do you have that magazine?" Finn asked.
"Finn!" Ada said.
Poll hit Finn on the back of his head.
"Atta boy Finn." John laughed.
          "So what is she doing all the way in Birmingham?" Polly asked.
          "That's what we have to find out, Pol." Tommy said.
Arthur smirked at Tommy.
          "Yeah you'd like to find out."
Tommy shook his head and walked away.
          "Aye. You two fucking cool it. It hasn't been that long since Grace left." Polly scolded.
          "It's been three months, Aunt Pol. Men have needs." John smirked.
          "Oh you disgust me."
          "She could be the key to him getting over that traitor." Ada spit.
          "Who said Tommy will get her?" Arthur said.
          "Please. When does Tommy not get what he wants?" Polly said.

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