Chapter 15

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Hinata walked into the bathroom, closing the door behind him.

He took off Kageyamas shirt, it felt weird taking it off. He'd been wearing it for around 2 days.

He took of his shorts and turned on the shower.

He hadn't had a shower for 4 days.

He stepped in.

'Oh, this feels so nice... it's been a while since I've had a shower...' He thought as he rubbed himself down with a cloth.

Hinata turned off the shower.

He put his arm outside the shower curtain and picked up a towel.

It had just been on the radiator so it was warm and soft.

He wrapped it round his waist and stepped out.

He dried himself off before getting dressed.

Kageyama had picked out Hinatas outfit.

Kageyama had chosen Hinata to wear a beige hooded jumper, a white collared shirt and black joggers with pocket chains.

'So he does have style' The smaller male thought to himself, chuckling and stuffing his leg into the trouser leg.

He walked out the bathroom, a couple of droplets of water still in his hair.

Kageyama was already dressed and sat on the couch.

He looked over to the smaller male and smiled.

Hinata walked over to Kageyama as he stood up.

The taller male grabbed the smaller males hood from behind him.

Kageyama put Hinatas hood up.

"Thanks..." Hinata said, putting his hands on Kageyamas.

The Raven haired boy leaned in and kissed the smaller boy on his rosey lips.

Kageyama, although having kissed Hinata multiple times still felt like it was a fairy tale every time .

They got to the door, they both stopped to put their coats and shoes on.

Kageyama looked up.

"By the way, we need to put sunglasses on you, someone might recognise you" he said, reaching into his pocket and pulling out a pair of shaded glasses.

Hinata reluctantly took them, and slid them up his nose till they covered his hazel eyes.

"This better?" Hinata asked sarcastically.

Kageyama chuckled softly, taking the smaller boys hands in the process.

He lightly pressed his rosey lips against his milky hands.

Hinata sighed.

"Let's just get going now..." he said taking his hands away.

They unlocked the door, and walked out.

"Oh! Can we please get these?!" Hinata asked, hinting to a box of curry buns on the shelf.

"No baby, I've nearly blown all my allowance here" said Kageyama sighing.

Hinata lowered his glasses and did his puppy dog eyes.

"Ngghh, fine! Put them in the basket" he said, tilting his head back.

They went to the till.

"Can I wait outside?" Asked Hinata, tugging on Kageyamas shirt.

He nodded and the smaller boy walked outside.

'Where is he?' Kageyama thought walking out, looking around.

He started to get very worried, not seeing the ginger haired boy anywhere.

He started to run around frantically, looking in every alley way, until.

"P-please let me leave" stuttered a frantic voice from a dark area between building.

Kageyama looked in, and froze.

A tall, rather interested, man, pinning a rather familiar ginger, scared boy to a wall.

"Aww cmon! A cutie like you should be with me" said the arrogant male, closing the gap between them.

"Excuse me..." said kageyama through gritted teeth.

"K-kageyama?!" Hinata shouted.

Kageyama let out a deep sigh.

"Don't worry baby, I'm not mad at you" he said, with multiple veins practically popping out his forehead.

"Move out the way pip squeak, don't get involved" shouted the taller male.

Kageyama dropped the bag of shopping.

Kageyama stood over an unconscious, bleeding body, blood on his fist.

"K-kageyama..." Hinata mumbled, sounding scared.

Kageyama snapped out of it and ran up to him, embracing a tending hug.

"Kageyama?! Don't do that! You just beat up a man!" Said the small boy, pushing the taller boys chest back.

They stayed like that for a while, Hinata getting weaker.

Eventually, the smaller male gripped onto the taller males t-shirt and inserted his head into the Raven haired boys shoulder.

"I'm sorry, but he hurt you, and. Nobody. Hurts my sunshine"

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