Chapter 1

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Once upon a time, in a kingdom far away, lives a prince who is to find a wife that night at the ball, a princess who does not believe in magic, a girl who is afraid to go out for fear of her wits, a fairy who failed in magic school due to her obsession with being friends with humans. The lives of the four individual gradually give them less interest in their life. The same routine, the same protocol, the same people, the same advice and the same nagging from their families and friends. Even I, the writer would yawn each time I went through the same routine. The prince, an average height man with dark blondish hair and hazel eyes that gazes softly at his people. A princess who is the sister of the prince, a soft-spoken lady with bright hazel eyes and shoulder-length brownish hair flowing of her shoulder. A girl, a peasant girl who was enslaved by a man to work in the bar because her father owes the bar owner. The girl has dark brown hair braided in a crown updo and sharp green eyes, her petite form was from malnourished. Lastly the fairy with the silvery blue hair braid, icy blue eyes, and dark blue wings.

However deep within the magic forest, something is lurking around for magic, love, and adventure. It was dark and mysterious. Her hair flows effortlessly past her shoulder, dark with sin. Her eyes glint like the forest shades, green as a precious jewel. Beside her, a tall dark blondish-haired man with piercing greyish-blue eyes. Both wore a dark shade of brown leather jacket, pants, boots, and a white cotton tunic. They carried an air of authority around them. Dark shadows bend to their every command, light seemed to glimmer around them like light fairies. With them, an elven healer, and a wizard. The elven healer is a tall she-elf, with bright silver locks that would reach her hip. Clad in a soft long fabric that represents a cloak and elvish gown, she stood tall as if she was from another world with the radiant look around her. The wizard, mysterious and average in height, however he stood tall and as if to hold his ground in a battle. His dark brown eyes look as if he could look through your soul. The four travel towards the kingdom of Soris on their horses. Galloping through the forest at a constant speed.

Grace looks over her shoulder to her lover and nodded at the direction they are going. Luca silently nods back and focus on the front as he slowed his horse down. Azriel follows suit and Peter pats his horse to slow down as Grace slowed out at a further distance. She looks around and then whistles to her companions to come forward. She got off her horse with a swift movement and pat it gently. Luca and Peter got off their horse together and Azriel follows suit. The four then walks into the village of the Kingdom of Soris in search for an inn to stay the night and a tavern to eat some dinner. They came upon the inn in the middle of the city by the name of Dagris and walk up to the receptionist for two rooms, to which they are given keys and paid the deposit. By sunset, the four walks into a tavern nearby and sit at a table ordering food and four pints of beer. Grace looked around the tavern from her hood and watches the citizens getting high on beers and ale. Luca leaned in as Peter and he got off into a heated argument of society. Azriel looked around with her hood on and sighed tiredly. Mia, the bar waitress with the braided up-do came forward with the food and serves it. She places the food accordingly to the order and to the right person. Her eyes look tired and Grace looks up at her and silently observe her. "Is there anything else I can do for the four of you?" Mia spoke in a slight accent. "I take it you have a full house tonight?" Grace looks around again then back at Mia, her voice slightly deep and melodious. Mia nodded, "There is a ball coming up by the end of the week, all eligible female from the kingdom are to be present to at ball." Grace tilt her head slightly in curiosity, "And what was it for? Why all the female?" "The prince is to pick a bride by the end of the ball. All classes are invited to the ball." "How peculiar." Azriel mumbled. "Indeed." Grace mumbled in agreement. Mia nods. "Yes. I hope I can attend it." She says softly as she smiles a little until a man called for her for more beer. Grace and Azriel nodded as they say thanks and went back to eating, leaving Mia to her duties. Luca and Peter were still talking while they take a bite of their food. They had gotten deeper into topic while Grace and Azriel were lost in their own world. Somehow the boys did not notice that their female partners disappear and have paid for their meals. The two females walk off to their tavern room to rest for the night. What they did not notice a was tiny bluish-purple fairy following them back. By the time the two separated to walk to their own room, the bluish fairy followed Grace to her room and sits on her window pane. Grace yawned as she changes off for bed and put her sword away, locked the door to her room and washes her face. She took off her boots, pants and leave her tunic on as she sits at the desk to write. The bluish-purple fairy flew beside her and sits on the desk. Grace looked around and found her journal and took out her ink and pen. She notices the speck of fairy dust and then the fairy. "May I help you, little one?" She says softly as she opens her journal to write about her journey before where she found a dragon's nest and a dragon egg. The fairy looks at her wide eyed and exclaims softly, "You can see me?" "Yes, to what do I owe the pleasure, little one?" Grace asked, and the fairy sits on her shoulder. "I'm Crystal, ice fairy. I failed in the academy for fairies and is expelled. I came to you because I am curious about you and wonder if you would like to be my friend." She says shyly. "Crystal, I am flattered. Truly. But are you sure you want to be friends with someone like me?" Grace says as she writes. "I'm not always kind." "I don't mind." Crystal says, and Grace nodded. "Then yes. I would like to be your friend." Crystal cheered and starts to braid Grace's hair gently. Grace stopped writing after a while and gazed at her satchel. She slowly reaches it and held out a beautiful dark green dragon egg and places it on her lap. "If you can hear me, I hope you do, I really do. We are now in Soris; a town with many dragon tales." Crystal stops braiding and sits on the desk watching as Grace talk with the egg softly as she wipes it with a cloth. "Is that a dragon egg? I heard they are extinct." Crystal whispers softly out of breath at the sight of the dragon egg and Grace nodded. "It is. And I treasure it as I cannot find its parents. The dragon egg was alone. However, it was warm to the touch." Grace mumble as she rubs it affectionately. But the egg starts to crack and Grace gasped loudly as she felt the egg move. "It's okay little one, you can do it." She says as the egg crack some more and bounces off her lap. She stood up as Crystal flew quickly to her shoulder and watches the egg crack more and reveal a dark green baby dragon that look up at Grace with eyes full of wonder. Its emerald green eyes wander around as it walks towards Grace and rub its head onto Grace then it flew up onto the bed and sits there. Grace watches in wonder and sits beside it. "Hey, I'm Grace." She says as she introduces herself to the baby dragon that looks up at her and nuzzle her left hand with its head. "I think it thinks you're its mother." Crystal says as she sits on the window pane. Grace rubs the dragon's head affectionately and smiles. "I think we should teach it to fly tomorrow. I know a perfect place. For now, I think sleeping would be nice." Grace say as she lay down in bed and the dragon crawl up beside her and lay its head next to her. Crystal nodded and sleeps on the towel nearby. The three soon fall into a dreamless sleep.

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