Chapter 6

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Leyton's POV

"We're here Sir." Said my personal driver Leon as he parked outside the front door by the driveway, waiting for me to climb out before he drove to the garage to park the car.

"Thank you Leon, have a good night and I'll see you tomorrow morning I believe." I said with a small tired smile as I quickly switched off my laptop which I had been typing on, as we made our way here.

"Yes, Sir and goodnight to you as well." He said as I climbed out and closed the door. Today had been exhausting with back to back long meetings, but it was definitely worth it seeing as that we managed to close off all of our big deals.

I made my way into the house and gently shut the door. I arrived a bit late today seeing as it was now 21:00, dinner was served a long time ago so everyone had dispersed and gone on their seperate ways for the night.

"You're back quite late today." Said Charlotte with worry in her eyes as well as some disapproval.

"It was a busy day, it couldn't be helped." I answered as I placed the laptop on the desk in my home office.

"Leyton, I just don't want what happened last time to happen again. I promised your Mother that I would take care of you and make sure that you don't overwork yourself." She said with sadness looming in her eyes.

"I understand, but don't worry about me, I'm okay." I said trying to reassure her with a smile even though it probably showed my exhaustion.

"Leyton you are like a son to me, I don't want to see you in hospital again. The last time you overworked yourself you passed out on us." She said voicing out her concerns. Reaching over I pulled her into a hug to try and reassure her.

"If it becomes too much I'll stop. I promise." I said as I held her at arms length with a serious expression on my face. "So what have I missed out on today? Is Livia okay?" I asked as we made our way to the kitchen.

"Livia is fine, she is the happiest I've ever seen her actually. Skylin went with Keegan to fetch her at school today." Charlotte explained. I just nodded for her to carry on.

"When they got back Olivia was alseep in Skylin's arms. Skylin went upstairs with Keegan to put Olivia in bed only for her to not come down so I went up there to check on them, only to find that she was sleeping next to Olivia, they were all snuggled up together, it was just so adorable that I couldn't help but to take a picture." Squealed Charlotte making me look at her in amusement. She seemed pretty happy and excited about this and she definitely wasn't afraid to voice that out.

"She seems good for Olivia." Charlotte quietly voiced out with a small smile as we made our way out of my office and down the stairs.

"I agree, I think that I will do as you suggested and give her a job here." I voiced out in all honesty as we entered the kitchen where I found my dinner plate already prepared the only thing left to do was to warm it up. I had thought thoroughly about this and found that it could be more beneficial for Olivia than anything. I wanted the best for Olivia and Sky seems like the best, plus they get along very well. "Is Olivia awake by any chance?" I asked as I warmed up my meal in the microwave.

"Skylin and her just went upstairs not so long ago so I think that you might still be able to catch her." Charlotte said before she got up from the chair that she was sitting. "Well I'll be off now, goodnight and don't overwork yourself. I'll see you in the morning." She said making her way out of the kitchen and up the stairs to her room.

I left my food in the microwave and made my way back upstairs and to my daughter's bedroom, where I found the door slightly ajar. I watched from the slightly open door as Sky read a book to Livia. Livia would giggle whenever Sky made an expression or changed the tone of her voice in order to exaggerate the character that she would be impersonating.

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