Chapter 15

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Transformers © Hasbro

Ocs- Xx_Hecate_Prime_Xx

Ocs- X_Midnight_X


Sari sighed feeling sad. She was going back to her dimension with the others and leaving her new friends behind. She was going to miss them terribly. They became like a second family to her, she was glad to meet them.

Sari was still in her quarters, looking at it one more time.

I'm gonna miss this dimension but at least I don't have to see NightSpike anymore. Sari thought.

"Sari," StormWing breaking Sari out of her thoughts.

Sari turned to see the seeker femme standing between the door.

"Hey StormWing," Sari smiled.

StormWing walked in, she smiled back but Sari could tell she was sad that Sari was leaving for good.

"Taking one last good look before you go?" StormWing asked

Sari nodded.

"Yeah so I can remember everything,"

"I'm gonna miss you Sari," StormWing said sadly who looked ready to breakdown

"Me too you've guys been like a second family to me," Sari said.

"Oh stop it you're gonna make me cry," StormWing pouted

Sari smiled and hugged StormWing's leg

"Maybe some day I'll see you again," Sari stated.

"Same," StormWing nodded.

"And also don't forget that you need to Optimus how you feel about him," Sari reminded.

StormWing sighed, "I know, I'm just trying to find the right time to tell him."

Sari smiled

"Well I hope you get to tell him."


"Sari its time to go," BlackClaw called on the comlink.

"Okay be right there," Sari answered.

"Well let's go shall we?" StormWing suggested.

Sari nodded and walked out of the room with StormWing to the command room.

Sari entered the command center and got tackled by Kenya who was bawling her eyes out.

"I'm gonna miss you Sari!" She cried.

"I'm gonna miss you to Kenya," Sari patted Kenya's back.

Carlos and Rad pried Kenya off of Sari who didn't want to let go.

"Its was awesome knowing you Sari," Carlos said while Alexis and Rad nodded

"You guys too," Sari nodded back then turned to BlackJack who look like was crying

"BlackJack are you crying?"

"No lassie, Aye just have something in mah eyes," BlackJack sniffed

"But I am!" Hotshot cried. He picked Sari and hugged her

"I'm gonna miss you!" Hotshot cried

"Hotshot. Can't. Breath." Sari's voice muffled

"Oh sorry," Hotshot put Sari down while Scavenger patted the young bot back.

"It was nice meeting you Sari," Vasukin smiled

"Its gonna be lonely without ya," Jetfire sighed

"Everybody please think positive for Sari," LightKnife said

"I'm gonna miss you all," Sari looking at everybot in the room

Optimus nodded, "thank you Sari."

Two sad beeps were heard making Sari turned to see Daybreak and StormDash looking sad.

"Guys don't be sad. I wish I could take you two but you have to stay here," Sari smiled.

The two minicons beeped again.

"I'll miss you guys two," Sari hugged her two minicon partners.

Sari broke the hug and went over to her friends who were waiting.

"You ready?" Bumblebee asked.

Sari nodded.

Red Alert went over to the space bridge controls and type the location

Sari looked back at the others who were all together.

"I hope I'll see you all again."

"Same," RedAlert nodded.

Sari waved at everybody then got in Bumblebee who was in alt mode.

The space bridge open. Sari and her friends faded going back to their dimension.


A/N well I got nothing to say for this chapter not much to say but one more chapppy to go and there maybe an epilogue for this and I'm done. So anyways


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