Transformers © Hasbro
Ocs- X_Midnight_X
A/N I have a new oc of mine guys and like HighKill and the others its a minicon and you'll love the name.
Armada Universe
"Ugh! yuck! gross!" Sari was washing her mouth out again from where Nightspike kissed her yesterday. Sari did wash her mouth out yesterday when she got back from town, but when she woke up this morning she felt like his taste was still on her. Sari has already been in this dimension for one day and she already got kissed by a guy, a decepticon no less.
"Can't believe my first kiss was taken or stolen by a con." Sari shuddered, "why couldn't my first kiss was by an Autobot or by a human?"
Beep Beep. Storm Dash beeped behind Sari.
"What?"" Sari turned to look at the minicon.
That Decepticon likes you and you like him! The minicon beeped teasingly.
"Pit no! I don't like him, he's Decepticon a bad guy. I'm an Autobot a good person, there's no way a Decepticon and Autobot can have a relationship," Sari glared
Allow me to rephrase this, you hate him but Nightspike likes you. Storm Dash beeped
Sari groaned and rolled her optics, she wasn't gonna get through to this minicon or understand her.
"Let's just go, Scavenger needs us to train."
Sari exited the room with StormDash and went to the training room where Scavenger waiting with LightKnife and Sideswipe
Sideswipe who was now in his real form was the same height and young as Hotshot,his optics were tinted blue that look like that were hidden under a sunglasses, his armor or chest was yelllow and his helm arms and peds were grey.
He smiled when he saw Sari came over to him and the guys.
"Hey I should reintroduce myself since we didn't talk yesterday," Sideswipe said, "I'm Sideswipe and Optimus told me your name so no need to introduced your self."
"Nice to meet you Sideswipe and thank you and BlackJack for rescuing me from Nightspike," Sari said smiling.
"Hey no problem, you're part of the team and we need to look out for you so the decepticreeps don't try to use you."
Sari was gonna say something else but Scavenger interrupted from clearing his throat.
"No more talk, its time to train," Scavenger gruffly said.
Sideswipe and Sari both listen and Sari listen carefully of what Scavenger was gonna instructed.
"Sari before we get into it, you may need to be in your cybertronian form cause usually minicons work with Cybertronians," Scavenger instructed.
Sari looked at herself knowing what he meant, she was still in her human form. Sari closed her eyes letting blue light surround her and then she was in her cybertronian form.
"Now what?" She asked.
"Relax while facing Storm Dash, sincronise your breathing and when you're ready you can either say power link or combine," Scavenger said, "but here's an example, Light Knife"
Scavenger looked at Light Knife and the former Decepticon nodded and looked down at another minicon that was his partner. The minicon was silver and sapphire blue detailing with light blue optics. Light Knife took two swords out that were katanas. Light Knife closed his optics and breathed out slowly concentrating then yelled.

Different Dimensions (Transformers Armada/Animated crossover)
FanfictionAfter an accident with a space bridge at the Autobot's base, Sari is transported to another Dimension that is different then hers. She meets the Autobots where Optimus Prime is the leader of all the Autobots and their team is a little bit large then...