trapped and save'd

844 28 4

Goar warning
Maybe some strong language

M/n pov

When I was home I decide to train for a couple of minutes I did that change into my usual cloth for going out for patrol

and then go out to do night patrol I saw nothing really interesting and then go to check the tower curious if the other are still there

To my surprise they were just talking and playing around tho I can't hear them cause they were far away I then realized something... off there were some peapole in all black

I then got close to them to the left I could hear them talking and hide

Man 1: so witch one are we after?

Man 2: we are after the boss but we also need to get the other so that they couldn't help him

Man 3: but we need to be careful one of them is not there

Man 1: yea just be careful and don't mess up

My eye's were wide when I realized they were after my friend's/co worker I need to be careful whit them since they are from another strong company the 'sleapy boy's inc' I thing is the name

I know this because of the mark in the back of their clothes is a z   'fuck' I thought in my head 'i need to make a fucking plan'

I then breath for a sec trying to make a plan 'I have a flash bag on me maybe I can use that and take them out' I go whit that but first sneak around to the front carefully but what I saw shock me all of my friends are pass out

'i wasn't fast enough' I had no choice they were already carrying them down I can do it now cause it's a 4v1 I decided to follow them carefully not to be found I was woride to be said

I watch them go out went to a van and drive off I then follow'd them

Dream's pov

I don't know what happened I was hanging around whit my friend's/employee when sudently something was out to my mouth and nose and and then everything went black

When I woke up I was chaind it frikin hurt's like hell I then saw sapnap goerge and bad on another wall I look around and saw that non of us are wearing shirt's

We all have scar's old one's and some new one's but I don't know where we are the room was dimly lighted whit a lamp I tried to move but the chain's prevent that

They were on my hand's and waist so that none of us could move I saw goerge woke up he look at me and around

After a couple of minutes we were all awake when we hear'd footsteps getting closer and closer the door open'd and we found....

M/n pov

Once they went in to the headquarters I then write the address on my phone I need a plan before I save them I then hack into their security camera's

It was hard but I got in I saw that they were bringing them to a room dimly lighted they then proceed to chaind my freind's to the wall on the hand and the waist

I want to see more but my state is clear to the open I decided to go back to my apartment and obreve them from there make a plan and save them

Dream's pov

I then saw... 'Thecnoblade' he wore his usual etire whit a blade he then said "well hello..." He trail of for a sec before saying in a low voice "Dream" I shiver at the tone but keep my cool and said "hello to you to.... Techno"

He smirk at me I grit my teeth and angryly said "what do you want?" His smirk grew bigger and then said "well we Heard that the so called "red blood" was whit you and we want him"

I then smirk "and what make's you think that we would tell you where he is?"  He then answer's whit "whit this" and whit that he take's out a tazer and the amo

I was a little intimidated but I kept my cool and said "what make's you think that a tazer will get it from me?" He Smirk and fire it a my chest it hurt's I grunt and look at him he then said "still not going to give it" I then respond whit "why shod I?" He just turn away and got out

Time skip a couple of day's

M/n pov

I finally got a plan and it was I found a pattern on the guard's and on it been a couple of week's I think I notice that on monday they had less security so when Monday come's I sneak my way pas troo the security and went in

I then go to the room that they were place in and saw that there were a guard there sneak behind them and put a cloth to their mouth and nose slowly baturly he fell asleep

I then try to open it but then Heard a groan and someone in there I then pick up the body of the guard and hide them and then took out my phone and hack into the system

I look at the security and what I saw almost made me tear up there in the room were my freind's being tortured after a couple of minutes I decide that that was enough and that I had to do something

After they left I then go to the room they were in and knock down the door careful not to make a sound I then put the door back and look around and saw that all of my friend's/co worker pass out I then took of the chain that was holding them and carry them

Goerge and sapnap I caride bridal while bad and dream were on my back I then tried to escape whiteout anyone noticing

Keyword 'tride'

I got chase around the place I then Got to the roof and jump to another room the don't seem to be following me so I went to my apartment and jump to my balcony I then lay them on the sofa and clean up

Once I'm done cleaning myself up I then bandage my freind's body 'jeez they did a damage on them huh?' I thought as I saw their bodies after that I don't really have their clothes so I just put mine on them

After that I just wait for them I then thought that they would be hungry and cook something

Time skip a couple of hours

Dream pov

I open my eyes expecting to see the same room but no I was in an apartment I then look around noticing that all of use weren't chain'd and are dress whit new clothing

I then hear'd sounds from where I think the kitchen is I then carefully for up and went around to the sound I then look and saw


He then look at me and said "oh your already awake you hungry?"

3rd person pov

Dream then nod hesitantly and said "m/n how did you know we're we were?" M/n then felt a shiver go down his spine and answer "I.... Was there when it happened..." Dream eye's widen in shock

M/n then continue "I was doing night patrol and I was curious if you all were still there....." He then place a plate of (F/f) "when I arrive I found some suspicious builders there so I got closer to to them and hide I heard that they were going after you" dream then start eating the meal infront of him while listening "I had to make a plan since they were also from a strong company.... I had a plan but when I was gonna do it.... They beat me to it they were already cariying you guys when I was going to do the plan...

I then follow'd them and found the base but before anything I needed a plan so I made one.... And we'll hear we are now" dream just look at him and nod

being an assassin for a green blob Dream Smp x Male Reader Insert (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now