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Once you've gotten used to completing tasks and leveling up, you can move on to the achievement system. Achievements are basically recognition for having done something impressive. In Level Up Your Writing, achievements are earned by completing tasks in a certain way or by completing them a certain number of times. This is where you get the real practice in.

Below you will find a list of all the available achievements. Each achievement will give you a certain number of points – AP (achievement points). These are separate from the earlier mentioned XP (experience points). The two can not be added together, they are two separate things. However, by repeating tasks, you get both the XP for completing the tasks and the AP for finishing the achievement. Unlike tasks, achievements can not be repeated. You can only complete each achievement once.

Here's how this works. Choose an achievement from the list below and check your Keeping Track spreadsheet to see how much you've already done for this achievement. It is highly recommended to start with the easier achievements. Finish the rest of the achievement and then fill it in on your Keeping Track sheet on the Achievements tab. The sheet will automatically calculate how many AP you have and what rank you are. For more information on rankings, check out the next chapter.

To celebrate your milestones, we have created stickers for you to use. These milestones are: 50 AP, 100 AP, 200 AP, 300 AP, 400 AP and 500 AP. Reached one of these milestones? Private message us with a link to your Keeping Track spreadsheet and we'll send you the sticker as soon as possible!


- Write a title with the word "level" in it – 1 AP

- Describe a (new) character in one sentence without using any adjectives – 1 AP

- Complete the task "write a one-sentence story idea" 10 times - 1 AP

- Complete the task "write a title" 10 times – 1 AP

- Complete the task "describe a (new) character in one sentece" 10 times – 1 AP

- Complete the task "write a goal for any character" 10 times – 1 AP

- Write a short story starring a character who is the complete opposite of you – 1 AP

- Write a diary entry of your day if you were living in either a medieval world or a scifi world – 1 AP

- Describe a feeling (happy, sad, angry, scared or in love) without using any bodily descriptions – 1 AP

- Describe your current surroundings using all five senses – 1 AP

- Complete the task "ask a reviewer to review your story" 10 times, preferably on only 2 different stories (so that you can compare the differences and gain a deeper insight into your story) – 1 AP

- Complete the task "write a scene consisting only of dialogue, without dialogue tags" 10 times - 1 AP

- Complete the task "write a logline" 10 times – 2 AP

- Complete the task "write a blurb" 10 times – 2 AP

- Write a short story in a genre you don't usually write in, preferably a genre you've never written in before – 2 AP

- Google Random Song Generator and write a story about the first song that the system generates – 2 AP

- Write a short story from the point of view of someone entirely different from you; whether it's gender, age, or ethnic group – 2 AP

- Google Random Word Generator, have it generate 4 random words for you and write a story based on those – 2 AP

- Complete ALL Very Easy tasks in the Reading Pathway – 2 AP

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