I Want You. I Need You.

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Life is unpredictable you never know what is coming next. Don't waste another minute being unhappy.

Andy doesn't want her captain position. She chose love. She chose to be with the love of her life. It wasn't an easy decision. She worked hard to be one but after losing her best friend she saw how life can change in a second.

It was the beginning of the shift and she was about to go into Robert's office and tell him all of it. She wanted him. He was more important than some title.

Standing in front of his office she was feeling like she can't move. Her legs were not listening to her. Somehow she managed to knock. It was a silent knock you can barely hear but Sullivan saw her standing there so he knew who it was.

- Come in. His serious voice made her afraid even more of his reaction.

She wasn't sure in what mood he was but she needed to end this madness that caused her to barely sleep for days.

She opened the door and closed them. Standing between doors and a chair. Not wanting to sit but also not wanting to stand. She chose to stand so she can easily run if something goes wrong.
She was overthinking and making scenarios in her head that probably won't happen.

Silence filled the room. The words were there but she had hard time speaking.

- Okay. She shakes her head but kept squeezing her fingers.
I came to say a few things so I'm just gonna say it.

Robert nodded. He saw how she was nervous so he assumed this wasn't some easy thing to say. He gave her time to get comfortable.

- I thought about this since Ryan died. I could barely sleep or eat. That's not important. She shakes her head again. I waited to get back to work so I can tell you. She paused.

- I... I don't want captain position. Not anymore. Not after I saw how life can end in a second. Not after I was left alone in this world with no one by my side. Andy brushed off a few tears that fell of.

- I want you. I need you. I can make captain in a few years. But I don't want to spent another day being angry at you. Feeling empty. I feel empty since you told me to go after we got back from LA.
I can't live with that feeling anymore. I don't want to.

Robert listen to every word she said. His jaw dropped when she said she doesn't want the position. He knows how hard she worked for it. He decided to promote her despite Pruitt disagreement. And now she is standing here not wanting it. Andy knew what Pruitt said to him but she didn't care. She is not talking to her dad because of everything he said to her. It wasn't his place to come behind her back and talk to Sullivan or to call her a slut.

Andy kept standing there, wiping a few tears that would occasionally fell.

- Andy... he finally spoke.
I'll still be your boss. Our relationship is still forbidden.

- I really don't know why I tried. She let out a sigh and turned to leave.

- I didn't finish lieutenant. He said it again with that voice that made Andy startle.

She slowly turned around to find him sitting at the edge of the table.

- I said it's forbidden not impossible. A smile appeared at the edge of his lips.

- So... what? You want me?

Robert extended his hands for her to come. She hesitantly placed her hands in his, interlacing their fingers, slowly looking up to meet his eyes.

Robert kept looking into those beautiful brown teary eyes. He could see the pain in her eyes. The pain only he can cure.

- I never stop wanting you. Saying you to go that day was a mistake I'll regret forever.

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