4| Snowy Passion {Bennett}

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              ⭑・゚゚・*:༅。.。༅:*゚:*:✼✿  ✿✼:*゚:༅。.。༅:*・゚゚・⭑

I was currently making my way back to Mondstat, to inform Katherine on how my most recent expedition went. While it wasn't the most successful of conquests I managed to find a few chests filled with mediocre treasures. 

The knights greeted me as I trudged through the entrance, pulling up my bag of goodies as the heavy backpack began to slump against my shoulders. Making my way over to Katherine's kiosk I realized that Katherine was already preoccupied, chatting with another adventurer. 

I sighed and stood behind him patiently as I waited for my turn to speak. "Alright! I'll be back same time tomorrow then to complete my daily commissions! Thanks, Katherine." The petite boy smiled, whirling around to leave. 

Apparently, he had not realized my presence because as he turned around he bumped straight into my chest, causing both of us to fall down onto the hard pavement of the city. "Ow!" He cried in shock. "Oh my god! I-I'm so so sorry! I didn't see you there." He stammered, jumping to his feet, dusting off his pants, and holding out his hand to help me up. 

I rubbed my head, still startled by the sudden crash. "No worries..." I sighed. Grabbing his arm and lifting myself. "Wait a minute...you're Y/N! an S rank adventurer of the adventures guild! I'm a big fan, you're stories are so impressive. Gah...I can't believe I bumped into my idol. This is so embarrassing. Just my luck I suppose. Oh, sorry for ranting." He kept mumbling. "It's not a big deal, really. Don't sweat it." I gave a soft smile.

I picked up my bag, then realized when I had fallen all of my treasure had been dumped out and sprawled across the road. I sighed, inconvenienced and tired as I bent down to collect my items. "Oh, your things...I'm so sorry. Here, let me help you." He blushed. Scrambling around the ground and gathering all of the artifacts. "You really pulled quite the haul. I'm impressed" He gasped, trying to make small talk. "I would usually get better things...but I suppose luck wasn't in my favor this time." "Really? This is the best haul I've ever seen! I can't believe you're done better than this. But I suppose it makes sense considering how talented of an adventurer you are." He grinned. 

I couldn't help but giggle. "I appreciate the kind words, but I'm no better than any other adventurer." "Are you kidding? You're like a legend to me! I never knew one of the best adventurers in Teyvat was so humble. I'm Bennet by the way. It's honestly an honor to meet you" All of the items were finally back in my bag, safe and sound. 

"I know this may be a bit strange but...Would you maybe like to go on an adventure with me sometime?" He asked, flustered and beet red. "Of course, I'd love to." I smiled warmly Bennett's eyes lit up with sparkles. "No way! Thank you so much!" He gasped, clasping his hands together with joy. 

"If you're up to it, we could go right now. of course it's up to you," I told him. "O-oh! Yea that would be awesome!" He said. "Alright, well I'm gonna collect my rewards and then we can get to it." 

After I received my reward of a few thousand Mora I met up with Bennett near the blacksmith's shop, where he was waiting patiently for me. "Alright! So what are you thinking, Thousands wind temple? " Bennett asked. "Hm...I've already been there too many times. I was thinking something a little different. How about Dragonspine?" I recommended. Bennett paused "Ah...I forgot you were an S rank. Dragonspine is a tad out of my range...but with you by my side! I feel much more safe and powerful." 

With that, I led Bennet down the path towards Dragonspine. After almost an hour of walking and chatting with Bennet, we reached the outskirts of Dragonspine, a small camp in which where many researchers of alchemy and interns of Albedo were stationed. 

Bennet and I passed through there when a voice called out to me. "Y/N! is that you?" A chubby blonde man, who I had not met before ran up to me. "Thank god it's really you! I know of your work with the adventure guild and I was wondering if you could help me." I pondered for a moment. "Well, it depends on the request. What would you like me to do?" "You see, I'm a chef! I'm currently working on a new recipe but...It requires a very rare meat. It's the chilled meat of the king boar. You'll be able to find it deep in the mountains of dragon spine. If you bring it back to me I promise to pay a good amount!" He exclaimed "Hm...then you have yourself a deal. I'll get it to you asap." I assured.

I entered Dragonspine, Bennet quickly following behind me. A nervous look plastered on his face. "King boar? Y/N...this sounds really dangerous. Are you sure this is the best idea?" He questioned. "Trust me Bennett, I've dealt with much worse. I think we will be ok." Bennet reluctantly complied. 

Walking down the path, I shivered a tad. I've never been a big fan of the cold which was the reason I didn't visit Dragonspine often. But the treasure was too valuable to pass up. "Are you cold?" Bennett asked me, resting a hand on my shoulder, but quickly pulled away when he felt my icey skin. "Woah! You're freezing Y/N. We need to get you warm now." He gasped. "I'm fine Benny. We are almost there. I can make it a little longer." Bennet sighed. "You're so stubborn don't worry I got this!" Bennett smirked, pulling me into a tight embrace. I tensed up, frozen in place as his skinny arms wrapped around my waist. 

"Now we can keep each other warm!" Bennett smiled snuggling his face into the crook of my neck. "Bennett...we need to keep going. We don't have time to waste." I protested. "That's fine!" Bennett said, grabbing my hand. "I can at least keep your hand warm in that case." 

I kept my head down, too embarrassed to face him. My face warm and dusted with a pink tint and he squeezed my palm. "Hey, we're here!" Bennett smiled, pointing at the ominous cave where the sleeping beast lay asleep. 

I slid down the mountain and prepared to fight the giant hog. Unsheathing my sword I took the first swing. The boar woke in a panic, a large slash across its face. It charged at me full force. I tried to evade its attack but I was pushed backward into a pile of snow. 

I grunted, retaliating with a series of swings. Bennett quickly joined me plunging his fiery sword into the hogs torso. It squealed in pain, falling towards the ground. I took the opportunity while it was weak to use my strongest attack. Sending a flaming dragon hurdling in its direction and finishing it off. 

I panted, a tad exhausted. I let my guard down to stretch for a moment. "Y/N, watch out!" Bennett screamed. Sprinting towards me and tackling me to the ground. "What the- Bennett?" I asked, pinned beneath his body. He was panting just as bad as I was. "That was close..." He sighed "Your attack loosened a ton of snow and ice on top of the mountain...It almost came tumbling down onto you." "Thanks Bennett, I really owe you one." I chuckled. 

It took us a moment to realize how awkward the position we were in was, his body pinning down mine, hands on either side of my shoulders, our legs intertwined, and faces inches from each others. "Oh my god- I'm so sorry!" Bennett said, scrambling to get off of me. "That was quite the adventure."

              ⭑・゚゚・*:༅。.。༅:*゚:*:✼✿  ✿✼:*゚:༅。.。༅:*・゚゚・⭑

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 30, 2021 ⏰

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