Chapter 1

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  • Dedicated to Leandra Adams

I wake up to the sound of my annoying alarm on my phone. Sadly, I forgot to reset it for Spring Break. I roll over and violently pull out the plug.

I look over to see Mariana resting peacefully. I notice that the time is 6:00. I groan, getting out of bed. Once I wake up, it's sort of hard to go back to sleep. Plus my anxiety levels are pretty high. For some reason my birth father, Robert Quinn, still won't give the custody thing a rest.

I smell the delectable scent of bacon coming from downstairs. Before I know it my nose leads me in to the kitchen where Stef is cooking a huge breakfast in her uniform.

"Good morning love." She says flipping over a pancake. I silently walk over and snatch a piece of bacon from a huge stack on the table.

"I saw that, Callie." says Jude with a grin on his face as he walks down the stairs. I laugh and give him a bear hug when he reaches the bottom.

"Saw what?" Stef asks. We both simultaneasly say "nothing" as Lena stops walking halfway down the stairs.

"Why are we all up so early? It's Spring Break! I can see why Stef's up, but-" Lena begins as Jesus zips by her attempting to ride his skate board down the stairs. He winces half because he nearly fell on his face an half because Lena is giving him the death stare.

"Sorry Moms!" Jesus begins, "It won't happen again I swear!" Stef laughs, out of all things. "It's ok, Jesus, cause' one day you'll hurt yourself doing that and I'll say I told you so," Stef scolds as she pauses her cooking to go kiss Lena on the cheek.

"Good morning my beautiful." She says giving her a huge hug. Then she gives everyone else a hug, with a little extra scolding for Jesus.

Right as Stef is finishing her last pancake, Mariana comes waltzing down the stairs in her glamorous night clothes. "So much for sleep," she mutters as she sits down on a stool, rubbing her eyes.

Everyone sits at the table except Brandon, who hasn't came down yet. I hear the faint sound of classical music coming from upstairs. "I'll go get Brandon," I say before anyone else can. No one seems to think about us as anything but brother and sister anymore. It's not exactly what I think, but they don't need to know that.

When I reach Brandon's room, his door is slightly cracked. He is playing a beautiful piece, one that took him a long time to master. I walk in just as he is finishing up.

He looks at me as I walk in. "Were you listening?" He asks. I can't help but laugh at the look on his face. "Maybe a little bit. We are waiting for you down at the table. Come on." I reply. I can't help but notice how anxious he's acting as we walk to the kitchen.

After finishing breakfast, Stef heads out to work. Lena has to go to some teacher workshop thing, and the twins are going to visit Ana. They haven't exactly forgiven her, but she is carrying their future sister. Jude is going to Connor's house to play video games. That leaves me and Brandon at the house by ourselves.

I go outside with Mariana and Jesus when Mike and Ana arrive to pick them up. I can tell Mariana is dreading this visit. I give her a hug and reassuring words and Jesus a high five. When they leave I rush inside.

Brandon is sitting on the couch deep into his phone. I go and jump on the couch next to him, capturing his attention. He quickly turns off his phone and looks at me nervously.

"What," I say looking at him suspiciously. "Got something to hide?" He just shakes his head. "No, um. I just..." He struggles to get his words out. "Whatever it is, you can tell me." I say worried. He looks at me in the eyes sending a series of chills through my body. I'm not really doing a good job at getting over him. "I...I broke up with Lou." He says.

I just sit there, frozen. That was unexpected. I thought he really liked Lou, but maybe since he quit the band for classical music it sort of ruined their relationship. I wasn't exactly best friends with her, but I liked her way more than Talya.

Not knowing exactly what gesture I should make, I awkwardly put a hand on his shoulder. "Oh, I'm sorry." I say, really meaning it. He just nods his head and begins to stand up. I push h back down.

"Why? Just spill it all. It's not like I'm gonna tell everyone your feelings." He looks away and takes a huge breath. He then looks over at me and smiles. "Well, I broke up with her. And it wasn't because of the band or because of her," I am suddenly confused. And a little curious. "Then why did you-" I begin to say as he cuts me off. "I did it because I couldn't stand it anymore. I really like Lou. I really do. I know I said I couldn't trust you, but that doesn't mean I don't still love you. I love you and every day I can't help but think of how dating her was hurting both of us. I thought we were moving on, but I was wrong. And it's wrong. This whole thing is wrong. I'm messing up your life. Me loving you is me making things difficult for you and I just... I just don't even know. I just need time to think," he says all in a rush. And with that he rushes into his room as I hear a door slam. I still sit on the couch completely shocked.

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