Chapter 4

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The sleek black Impala pulled up go the bunker. I climbed out, slinging my bag over my shoulder, and took a deep breath. As i walked to the entrance next to Dean, the gravel crunched under our feet.
The bunker was magnificent on the inside. Two long tables, high ceilings, and an upstairs. It was like an underground mansion. A guy with long floppy hair and puppy dog eyes, walked over. "Sam, this is Cierra. Cierra, this is my brother, Sam." Dean smiled at both of us. Sam held out his hand. "Nice to finally meet you" He said. "Yeah, same goes for you!" I flashed a fake smile, and shook his hand. "So, um, where can i put my crap?" I asked. Dean stifled a laugh. "You can put your "crap" in my room, come on" Dean smirked. I followed him upstairs to a medium sized room. There was a bed, with guns and weapons hanging on the wall behind it. I walked over to an old record player. "Nice vinyl" i said flipping through the records. "Can we listen to this?" I pulled out an old stones album. "Black and Blue '76. Good choice." Dean put it in the record player and cranked it up. I smiled at him, biting my lip. "I think im gonna get some rest.." I said. "You do realize this is my bed? Its okay though, no worries, I don't really sleep" and with that he shut the door and went back down stairs.
Before falling asleep i realized how thirsty i was, and went down stairs to get a glass of water. As i got to the bottom of the stairs, i was stopped in my tracks. I tried not to gasp, and immediately jumped behind the stairs.

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