{Harry's Pov}
I made my way down the hallway to my 1st block which was math, as I made my way through the crowded hallways I noticed Zayn in the corner with Brad and Kellin.
"I hope you watch where you walk next time idiot!"
Zayn yelled kicking a brown haired guy who looked familiar, he was in my 2nd block and was know to be a best all around student.
"Guys what the hell are you doing?!" I yelled when I realized that this was Liam Payne they were beating up, Louis' best friend.
"You shut your mouth Styles!" Brad yelled walking over towards me.
"Your one of us now, not some A+ freak so you better watch it before we fucking-"
Zayn cut him off.
" Brad how 'bout you shut the fuck up last time I checked I was in charge!" Zayn yelled."Just leave him alone you guys don't need anymore trouble" I said and I noticed Kellin had stopped hitting Liam .
"Leave him alone you guys we got better things to do anyways" Zayn said making his was down the hallway Brad and Kellin followed behind him and made their way out the school's door.
"Are you okay?" I asked making my way towards Liam he layed on the floor clutching onto his stomatch.
"Yea- oww" he said attempting to stand up.
"No you're not you need the nurse, here let me take you" I said putting one arm under his knees and the other on his back I carried him down the hall and up the stairs to get to the nurses office.
•×•×•×•×•"what who?!" Louis yelled. I was in the bathroom and louis was panicking about the whole Liam situation.
"It was-" you don't want louis to know!
"You know i-it doesn't matter" I said realizing that if louis hated Zayn, Brad and, Kellin he would probably hate me too.
"Where is he now?" Louis asked his blue eyes sparkling with tears in them. He looked so caring.
"I called his mum to pick him up" I said. Louis calmed down a bit.
"Thank you so much for calling her Harry" Louis said wrapping his arms around me. He smelled of tea and honey.
"Your welcome it was nothing" I said trying to play it cool and hugging him back.
"Wow your really...small" I said noticing I could wrap only one arm around his torso.
Louis stiffened a bit, backing away from me.
"Oh would you look at that it's already late i-i should um... get to class. Louis said opening the bathroom door.
"What?" I asked but it was too late louis had already ran out.
I made my way to the library and decided to stay there until lunch which was 3rd block .
I walked down the hall from the library to the cafeteria and saw Louis sitting down with a blonde guy, he looked innocent his eyes the color of Louis' but he looked loud.
I made my way towards their table and sat down.
"Hello, hope I'm not bothering you?" I said but it came out more like a question.
"Oh no not at all " Louis said his eyes sparkling with joy.
"This is Niall it's his first year at a school" Louis said turning toward Niall and smiling at him.
"Oh I'm Louis by the way" I said smiling at Niall.
"So what are you all up to?" I asked.
" Well Niall here invited me out to watch a movie later" louis said patting Niall's back.
definitely not innocent! I thought.
"Oh really?" I asked glaring at Niall but he looked as if he was drowning in Louis' eyes."Yep!" Niall said finally looking up my way with a big smile on his face.
"Would you come?" Louis asked me with pleading eyes.
Well of course your mine and only mine I'm not sharing you with anyone else.
I thought looking into Louis' eyes and then towards Niall.
"If its okay with Niall here " I said pointing at Niall.
"Oh sure y-yea that's fine with me i just uh I need your phone numbers"
Niall said taking his phone out.
He gave it to Louis and he typed his phone number in then he passed it to me and I typed mine in making sure to take a glance at Louis' memorizing it.I gave Niall his phone back and took mine out, putting in Louis' phone number just in case.
"Well I'll see you guys around"
I said standing and going to my locker to get my things for my next class.
As I made my way to my locker I noticed Zayn and the guys there.
"Hey Harry..." Zayn said with a serious look on his face.
"Hey guys what's going on?" I asked calmly.
"We need to talk" they all said at the same time.
Authors note :
Hey guys so here's a new chapter and well it's longer than the other one I don't even remember what I wrote to be honest so I can't really judge what I wrote right now so yep.
Who doesn't love those?!
Ohh guess what? Okay so you all remember that kid I talked to you all about?
Okay so he reminds me of fucking Louis fuck like just his whole face and body and his hands and just everything he is so tiny it's cute!!!
And his glasses just omg I died like he is so much like Lou and he's sassy too.
xD but yea and then today this other guy took my bracelet his name is jax and he is best friends with Alan (the one that looks like louis) and idk lmao.
And Jax is so sweet towards Alan once there was this girl and she was like why do you like Alan? And he said that he wanted to be friends with him because he didn't want him to commit suicide and so now they are like best friends and can't even live without each other its so cute >.<
PS: picture of Louis on the side was chosen randomly he looks so cute and I just awww this is what I imagined him like after Liam got hurt in the story.
~your hoe