harry jack and Louis

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Louis's eyes i can't 🥺🥰
alright continues of the last chapter (didn't know what to name this chapter)

Niall:no just for the night cuz its pretty intense
U whisper: damn it  they could have broke up and we lived happily
Zayn hears u and bursts out laughing
Gigi: whats so funny??
Zayn: ask T
Maya: sooo??
U: nothing 🙂
Jack comes down and goes outside the house without saying anything
U: ill go check up on jack cuz it would be rude not to 🙄
Zayn: yh so rude 🙄ill come with you
U both burst out laughing
Liam: well i guess they aren't going so ill go 😑
Niall: ill come with u
Maya: alright gigi help me  get those 2 idiots to shut up
Lou: well i guess ill go check up on harry
Gigi: thanks lou
Lou: ofc

With jack  liam and niall
Liam: u okay??
Jack: yh i am going see you later
Niall:  umm okay have a good night i guess
Jack: u too
Liam and niall went back in
Zayn: ok okay oh god ill go check up on harry know
U: nope let him and lou have a little bit of time alone
Liam: are you sure??
Gigi: i agree with Tia
Maya same here
Zayn: i mean i guess
Niall: i am hungry i am gonna get some food anyone wanna come
U: yh ill come
Niall: anyone else
Everyone: nope

you guys go have dinner and then agreed to go to the theater and watch spiderman-No Way Home
while going to the theater u spot finn and chloe holding hands
u: i i think its better if we go back
niall :are you sure u have been really wanting to wat- (he spots them) that asshole
u niall dont please 🥺
niall alright darling he hugs you really tight do you wanna go or we can watch the movie?
u idk i don't want to ruin the nigh-
niall you aren't ruining anything if you want we can go home
u nod
you guys go back home and u see harry and Louis sleeping on the couch like this (but both are asleep)

you guys go have dinner and then agreed to go to the theater and watch spiderman-No Way Homewhile going to the theater u spot finn and chloe holding handsu: i i think its better if we go backniall :are you sure u have been really wanting to wat- (...

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u awwww (u take a picture)
niall: adorable... come on know lets go upstairs and watch a movie
u alright

after the movie you fell asleep cuddling like this

after the movie you fell asleep cuddling like this

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maya and gigi stayed over

in the morning

maya: tia WA- nvm (takes picture)

maya goes downstairs and shows the picture to gigi
gigi whispers: i ship
maya:same 🥺

zayn: what are you two looking at
maya:here look
they pass the phone to the others
harry : they look so adorable together
niall: who does?? (while coming down the stairs)
liam:nothing we were just saying random stuff
u: yh right we absolutely believe you

during breakfast

u : so is jack coming back??
harry :idk we are gonna talk about it over dinner tonight
u: oh alright
zayn: tomorrow is our last concert of our tour
niall: yup (looks sadly at lou)
liam: have you decided yet lou??
Louis :idk i think i am gonna have a small break to think about it
harry: please stay lou the band isn't complete without you
Louis :i idk harry i am gonna go get some fresh air (he goes to the garden)
u: ill go talk to him

(warning s word in this paragraph)

with louis
u: are you alright lou??
lou: yh i just can't see him with jack i can't he looked so happy when i first came back but now they are fighting alot and i cant T i have to go i want him to be happy
u: lou they have been fighting since they got together harry was happy because he haven't seen u in awhile
lou: idk Tia i don't think i can stay
you guys hug and then you say" if you want to go can we at least stay in touch not like when u went to see s*mon
lou: of course T

during dinner with harry and jack (normal restaurants just expensive so there is people)

harry : i am sorry about yesterday i lost control
jack: you always do
harry: i am really sorry
jack : when is he going to go?
harry: u mean lou (jack nods) idk jack its his decision
jack: he has to go soon i see how he looks at you and its so uncomfortable harry
harry: what are you talking about he is just a friend
jack :yh right harry look if he doesn't go after the concert we are done
harry goes out of the restaurant really angry and calls Gemma
Gemma: hey haz
harry : i am gonna stay over at yours is that okay??
Gemma: of course is everything alright??
harry: no ill tell you when i come but i am gonna go somewhere before
he hangs up then calls you and says he is staying over at gemmas and that you guys go to the stadium tomorrow and he will be there and then he hang up without letting you say a word
gemma then calls you
u: hey gemma
gemma :hey do you know what happened with harry he seems really upset
u: idk gem him and jack had a fight yesterday and jack went back to his house and today they had dinner to fix things did he arrive at yours??
gemma: no not yet he said he is gonna go somewhere then come by mine
u: alright call me when he gets there i am really worried about him

you hang up and tell everyone that Harry is staying at Gemmas and not to stay up late because they have a concert tomorrow

hope you like it please leave a comment if you liked it and if u want u can vote 🥺🥰

 larry stylinson + niall x readerWhere stories live. Discover now